
    8-inch trolley speaker Temeisheng BQ-08 Shanxi special price 238 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online]

    [Shanxi quotations on Zhongguancun Online] Temeisheng BQ-08 loudspeaker box Recently, it was promoted at a special price of 238 yuan in the "Shanxi Xinshan Audio Equipment Collection". Good things and good prices are worth starting! Interested friends can directly go to Room B, Block 25, Floor 2, Phase I, Qinglong Computer City, 130 Nanneihuan Street, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan for details. For promotional information about the Tameson BQ-08 speaker, please also consult the merchant (contact number: 13753195275).

    Product model Market price (yuan) Commodity quotation (yuan) Up and down (yuan)
    Temeisheng BQ-08
    two hundred and fifty-eight two hundred and thirty-eight -20
    Price collection date: August 21, 2019 (if the price fluctuates, the merchant's quotation shall prevail) View Products

     Temeisheng BQ-08
    The picture is the live picture of TVC BQ-08 HD

    Interpretation of the main parameters of TVC BQ-08:
    Speaker type Outdoor trolley speaker speaker system No data temporarily
    Active passive Active Adjustment mode Knob, remote control
    Power supply mode Common battery, power supply: 220V/50H Functional features Bluetooth, recording, voice, USB stick, S
    Speaker size 240×200×410mm Speaker material Plastic
    It's worth buying today
    When consulting, Zhongguancun Online will get better price and better service!
    Product name: Temeisheng BQ-08
    Reference price: 238 yuan Online purchase
    Merchant name: Shanxi Xinshan Audio Equipment Collection
    contact information: thirteen billion seven hundred and fifty-three million one hundred and ninety-five thousand two hundred and seventy-five
    Contact address: Block B, Floor 25, Phase I, Qinglong Computer City, 130 Nanneihuan Street, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 8-inch trolley speaker Temeisheng BQ-08 Shanxi special price 238 yuan // true // report eight hundred and seventy-one [Zhongguancun Online Shanxi Quote] Temeisheng BQ-08 speakers were recently promoted at a special price of 238 yuan in the "Shanxi Xinshan Audio Equipment Collection". Good things and good prices are worth starting with! Interested friends can go directly to Room B, Block 25, Floor 2, Phase I, Qinglong Computer City, 130 Nanneihuan Street, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City for details. You can also consult the promotion information of Temeisheng BQ-08 speakers (contact number
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