
    Beginner HiFi speaker market "spoiler" rambler S3000 evaluation

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhang Bin ZOL   |   Editor in charge: Yu Mengqi

    Walker launched the new flagship S1000 active bookshelf of entry-level HiFi in 2015 loudspeaker box And it has achieved great success, and the product can basically achieve a second kill at the price of 1000 yuan. At that time, I said that the S1000 is probably just the first step for walkers to rearrange the desktop HiFi speaker market, and there will be more big moves in the future. In the next year, another S2000MKII, which can be called the all-around new flagship, was shocked to be launched. Its performance was comprehensively improved, and its pricing was still conscientious. After being launched for more than a month, it became the sales champion on various e-commerce platforms.

    Last year, Rambler made new adjustments in the layout of household speakers, and the S series ushered in new TV stereos (S50, S70) and 2.1 speakers (S201, S301). It can be seen that the S series is not only the representative of the desktop HiFi flagship, but also a symbol of the new layout of the rambler in the entire high-end home audio product line.

     Rambler S3000
    Beginner HiFi speaker market "spoiler" rambler S3000 evaluation

    2018 is coming. The ramblers didn't have any new moves in the whole first half of the year, but who would have thought that they were holding on to new tricks? At the beginning of June this year, Rambler low-key released the new wireless HiFi active new flagship - S3000. After experiencing the product, my immediate feeling is that this is a brand new flagship product: new left and right box wireless connection technology, left and right independent digital power amplifiers, horrible 128W+128W undistorted power, fully upgraded hardware/speaker configuration, and HiFi flavor sound quality. This desktop HiFi speaker with a price of 10000 yuan is only 3180 yuan At the same time, I also seem to feel that the S3000 has attracted the hatred of many friends and businesses.

    So far, the Pacer S series desktop active HiFi speakers have completed the smooth transition from the S1000 to the S3000 (or the smooth transition from the entry flagship to the high-end flagship). The price covers the range of 1000 to 3000 yuan, and the time is just three years. But I think that with the pace of Pacers, more flagship products will be brought in the next three years or more. Of course, today's main character is the S3000. Come on, then look down.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Beginner HiFi speaker market "spoiler" rambler S3000 evaluation // true // report one thousand three hundred and seventy In 2015, Rambler launched an entry-level HiFi new flagship S1000 active bookshelf speaker and achieved great success. The product can basically beat the competitors at the price of 1000 yuan. At that time, I said that the S1000 is probably just the first step for walkers to rearrange the desktop HiFi speaker market, and there will be more big moves in the future. The next year, another S2000MKI that can be called the all-around new flagship
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