In Word2003, we often operate on some sentences, paragraphs, etc. At this time, we must select the part to be operated on. The selected text is highlighted on the screen in white characters on a black background, which is easy to distinguish from the unselected part When we select the text, all the operations we do will only apply to the selected part. Here are some of the most commonly used selection methods.

Using the mouse to select is the simplest one. By dragging the mouse, we can select any part of the text according to our needs. Use the mouse as a key at the beginning of the text to be selected, and then move the mouse. Release the mouse when the mouse moves to the end of the text to be selected. Or press the Shift key, and press the left mouse button at the end of the selected text.

   1、 Rectangle selection

Rectangle selection methods include:

Hold down the Alt key, press the left mouse button at the beginning of the selection, and drag the mouse to pull out a rectangular selection area.

Click the left mouse button at the start position you want to select, hold down the Alt key and Shift key at the same time, and click the left mouse button at the end position to select a rectangular area.

   2、 Full text selection method

a. Select the Edit | Select All menu item.

b. Use the shortcut Ctrl+A.

c. Click the left mouse button at the beginning of the document, and then press Ctrl, Shift, and End at the same time.

  3、 Method of selecting a row

Move the mouse pointer to the left of the line to be selected, and click the left mouse button immediately when the mouse pointer turns into an arrow pointing diagonally upwards.

Position the cursor at the beginning of the line to be selected, and press Shift and End to select the text of the line where the cursor is located.

Select a sentence

Hold down the Ctrl key and click somewhere in the document. The whole sentence will be selected when the mouse clicks.

   4、 Select a paragraph

Click the mouse at any position in a segment three times to select the whole segment immediately.