When we create a table in Word, we will encounter this situation for a long time. When the content or length of a Word table is more than one page, it is not a good experience for us to preview it. So at this time, we can set the header row to repeat, so that it appears repeatedly in the first row or several rows of the table on each page, which is more convenient to understand the table content and can also meet the requirements of table printing in some cases.

① If you want to use the first row in the Word table as the header row, you need to select the first row (all or part) or place the insertion point in the cell of the first row; If the first consecutive rows of the table are used as header rows, these rows (all or part) need to be selected.

② Click the "Table" button in the menu bar, and then select the "Repeat Header Line" command;

 Word2003 Header Repeat Display Settings