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    Is the Kindle Unlimited monthly e-book service worth it?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Liu Feifei
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    Recently, a monthly subscription service called Kindle Unlimited has been promoted in both the Kindle public account and the new Kindle firmware version advertisements, which is a new choice for users who use the Kindle to buy and read books. So is this service worth buying?

    To solve this problem, we must first find out what the Kindle Unlimited is and what services it has. To put it simply, Kindle Unlimited is Amazon's monthly e-book subscription service. You can borrow books without buying them. As long as you are in the subscription period, you can read books you choose at will.

    At this point, someone will say that there is no such good thing, and there must be a lot of additional restrictions. That's right. Let's talk about the specific content of the Kindle Unlimited service.

     Is Amazon Unlimited monthly e-book service worth it?
    Kindle Unlimited

    At present, the Kindle Unlimited provides more than 40000 sets of Chinese e-books and more than 3500 English e-books. All these books can be viewed for free as long as the Kindle Unlimited subscription period lasts.

    Reading books through the Kindle Unlimited service does not need to be connected all the way download Get down and watch offline. However, if the subscription expires, these books will no longer be available.

    Kindle Unlimited service does not have to use Kindle. Kindle clients on computers, mobile phones and tablets can enjoy this service, so don't think that you can only buy a Kindle.

    Finally, the monthly fee for the Kindle Unlimited is 12 yuan. true // report one thousand and seventeen Recently, a monthly subscription service called Kindle Unlimited has been promoted in both the Kindle public account and the new Kindle firmware version advertisements, which is a new choice for users who use the Kindle to buy and read books. So is this service worth buying? To solve this problem, we must first figure out what the Kindle Unlimited is
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