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    Investment needs to be cautious, and the operation mode of Internet finance is revealed

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Liu Feifei
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    In recent years, Internet finance has gradually infiltrated into daily life through various ways. One of the "Yu'e Bao" that people first came into contact with is "Yu'e Bao". Up to now, Internet finance seems far away, but it has spread to all aspects of daily life: WeChat Payment, Alipay and Lakala repayment are also one of the operation modes. What are the operation modes of Internet finance? How does it affect our life?

     Financial investment needs to carefully decrypt the operation mode of Internet finance

    With the continuous development of the Internet and big data era, the rise of Internet financial enterprises has impacted many areas of the traditional financial industry, and turned to the core areas of the financial industry to expand.

    Internet finance is an emerging financial model based on Internet tools such as virtual payment platforms, cloud computing, social networks and search engines. It has gradually transitioned from traditional counter operations to virtual Internet operations. Internet finance models mainly include: third-party payment platform model, P2P network micro credit model, big data based financial service platform model, crowdfunding model, network insurance model, financial products online sales and other models.

     Financial investment needs to carefully decrypt the operation mode of Internet finance

    Internet finance will have a huge impact on traditional banking business because of its advantages such as open resources, intensive costs, market-oriented choice, independent channels, and value based user behavior. Internet finance has brought great opportunities and challenges to traditional and emerging financial institutions. How will our life change under the influence of the operation mode of Internet finance? Is it feasible to finance through Internet finance? Now let's take a look at the top ten mainstream operation modes of Internet finance and uncover the mystery behind them.

    1、 Third party payment platform mode

    Model overview: A third-party payment enterprise refers to a non-financial institution that serves as an intermediary between payers and payers to provide online payment, pre acceptance of prepaid card issuance, bank card acquisition and other payment services.

    Core logic: Payment has the dual genes of finance and information, which is likely to become the core of the entire Internet financial problem.

    Main opportunities: the current third-party payment platform mainly implements the payment function. In the future, it may do wealth management business based on the deposit fund, credit analysis and marketing analysis based on the user's consumption data, etc., which will become the core platform to subvert the traditional financial industry in the future.

     Financial investment needs to carefully decrypt the operation mode of Internet finance

    Challenges: In the traditional payment field, it is impossible to solve the bank's situation. In the mobile payment field, due to the involvement of operators, third-party payment must establish close contact with operators and equipment suppliers, so that it is possible to grasp the technological development context, integrate payment resources, and obtain first mover advantage. To achieve this, the financial strength, technical foundation and public relations strength of third-party payment enterprises are indispensable.

    Representative enterprises: Internet payment enterprises represented by Alipay, Yibao Payment, Lakala and Tenpay, and financial payment enterprises represented by Fast Money and Remittance to the World.

     Financial investment needs to carefully decrypt the operation mode of Internet finance

    Comment: The future development of third-party payment will be diversified and polarized. Some good enterprises will start from some specific subdivisions to seize more territory and space. The popularity will become larger and larger, and the brand will be more and more familiar; However, some third-party payment enterprises with no obvious characteristics and unclear strategic positioning may become less and less familiar in terms of scale and brand, and eventually go into decline. true // report two thousand and ninety-two In recent years, Internet finance has gradually infiltrated into daily life through various ways. One of them is "Yu'e Bao", which everyone first came into contact with. Up to now, Internet finance seems far away, but it has spread to all aspects of daily life: WeChat payment, Alipay, Lakala repayment are also one of the operation modes. The operation mode of Internet finance
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