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    Create a different mobile experience VC browser trial

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Liu Feifei
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    The mobile Internet is developing faster and faster, and many habits of users have been changed. From the original idea of turning on the computer when you want to surf the Internet to the fact that you can do anything anytime and anywhere when you pick up your mobile phone, the richness and convenience of mobile applications have surpassed that of PCs, and tens of thousands of Internet users have become heavily dependent on mobile phones.

    Whether in the PC era or the mobile era, browser They are all important Internet access points that all companies are competing for, because the function of the browser is no longer limited to the simple web page, but it integrates multiple applications such as reading information, listening to music, watching videos, reading novels, playing games, etc., and the importance of these features on the mobile end is more obvious. If Mobile phone browser Brands are emerging one after another. Among them, an app called VC Browser quickly occupied the market with its advantages of small resource occupation and fast speed. Today we will look at the actual experience of VC browsers.

    The interface is simple and clean

    The main interface of VC browser is a refreshing style. The top search bar has weather and air quality information in the middle, and the bottom is a preset seven common websites, which can be modified and added according to your habits.

     Create a mobile internet era for young people  Create a mobile internet era for young people

    Sliding down, there are several modules such as Daily News, Common URLs and Tools. If you don't want a module, you can also close it in module management, but you can't sort the modules at present.

     Create a mobile internet era for young people  Create a mobile internet era for young people

    Icon navigation, daily hot spots, common websites and tools are only displayed on the VC browser interface in the form of website, not in the form of Software Form exists. Users do not have to worry about the network speed cache problem, let alone the traffic problem. As a browser with clean interface, users need not worry about various rogue software or rogue plug-ins. true // report one thousand and forty-two The mobile Internet is developing faster and faster, and many habits of users have been changed. From the original idea of turning on the computer when you want to surf the Internet to the fact that you can do anything anytime and anywhere when you pick up your mobile phone, the richness and convenience of mobile applications have surpassed that of PCs, and tens of thousands of Internet users have become heavily dependent on mobile phones. No matter in the PC era or the mobile era, the browser is the most important thing that everyone must contend for
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