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    You can also use the Windows Mac virtual machine to use the concise tutorial

      [   Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Liu Feifei
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    Although the current Mac system can meet the needs of most work, it still has a certain gap compared with the compatibility of Windows, especially when encountering some old internal systems, only Windows can be used. (Why use Mac in such trouble!) So today we will give a solution—— virtual machine And then introduce a detailed introduction to the selection and installation of the Mac virtual machine.

       Why use virtual machines instead of dual systems

    1. The virtual machine can be switched between two systems at any time, so that it can be used in work without affecting efficiency. If it is a dual system, it is too troublesome to shut down and restart when switching to another system.

    2. In addition to running Windows, virtual machines can also run other systems, such as Android, Linux, and so on, which is incomparable to dual systems.

    3. Mac directly running Windows will generate a lot of heat, which will affect the life of the computer.

    However, the virtual machine is not as smooth as the dual system, because the virtual machine itself will also occupy certain resources, so it does not run as smoothly as the dual system. But considering the problem of switching, virtual machines are better.

     Using virtual machines on Mac

       Select Virtual Machine

    So which virtual machine is better? Users who often use Macs should have heard the name of the Parallels Desktop, which is a very famous virtual machine in Macs Software

    Of course, the genuine Parallels Desktop 10 requires tickets. Some people will also consider the free "you know" version, but there is no latest version. For example, versions 8 and 9 will always remind you to upgrade.

    Of course, the 300 yuan tycoon naturally chose the genuine Parallels Desktop 10. If you are in Tencent Mac Housekeeper download A little discount.

     Using virtual machines on Mac

    How to install Parallels Desktop and others Mac software Similarly, you can use Tencent Mac butler to install directly. After installation, DUANG~looks like this. true // report one thousand two hundred and thirty-nine Although the current Mac system can meet the needs of most work, it still has a certain gap compared with the compatibility of Windows, especially when encountering some old internal systems, only Windows can be used. (What a Mac to use!) So today we will give a solution - virtual machine, and then introduce a detailed introduction to the selection and installation of the Mac virtual machine
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