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    Foreign crack teams let Samsung successfully run WP8.1 GDR2

      [   Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Liu Feifei
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    [Zhongguancun Online Software News] March 9: According to foreign media reports, a few days ago, the cracking team made Win10 mobile preview run on Samsung ATIV S and released a demo video. These two days, came up with a new "work" to let WP8.1 GDR2 run on Samsung ATIV S.

    The latest WP8.1 GDR2 will only be pushed for the newly released mobile phones. Now, has solved this problem. Compared with the cracking work of Win10 mobile preview version, this WP8.1 GDR2 is really insignificant for They soon completed the work and released the corresponding video.

     Foreign crack teams let Samsung successfully run WP8.1 GDR2
    Samsung successfully ran WP8.1 GDR2

    Of course, cracking is too sophisticated for ordinary users. They are more concerned about what will change after this update and whether the system installation is smooth. At present, the GDR2 update has greatly changed the "Settings" option, and also added support for the Bluetooth keyboard. After foreign media tests, GDR2 is run on Lumia 930 and matched with a Bluetooth keyboard, which is very smooth to use and is also very helpful for mobile office. true // report seven hundred and forty-six [Zhongguancun online software information] March 9 news: According to foreign media reports, a few days ago, the cracking team made Win10 mobile phone preview run on Samsung ATIV S and released a demo video. These two days, came up with a new "work" to let WP8.1 GDR2 run on Samsung ATIV S. The latest WP8.1 GDR2 will only
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