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    Only the second download country of WP8/8.1 application in the United States and China

      [   Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Liu Feifei
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       [Zhongguancun Online Software Information] May 27: Recently, Microsoft released the Win8 and WP8 platform APP in April download The report shows that China's position as the world's largest smartphone country has begun to affect the WP application ecosystem, and the number of downloads by Chinese users is now second only to the United States. At present, the Win8.1 store has covered 233 markets worldwide, and the Windows Phone store has covered 191 markets.

     Only the second download country of WP8/8.1 application in the United States and China
    WP8 Application

    In the mobile app store, the United States is the largest download country with 12% share, China ranks second with 10% share, and India ranks third with 9% share. Surprisingly, Vietnam ranked fourth, surpassing Brazil, the United Kingdom and Mexico. In Win8.1 computer software, the United States ranked first with a 31% share, while China ranked fourth with a 5% share. It can be seen that Chinese computer users are interested in Download a software Is not very interested.

    In the two software stores, the popularity of games still ranked first, but according to the comparison index of Microsoft's downloads and the number of certain types of software, social applications ranked first, followed by photo applications. Microsoft pointed out in this report that for Win8.1 or WP software developers, the categories that are easier to earn income are personal efficiency and games. In Win8.1 and WP application ecology, there are currently three main revenue models: paid download, in app advertising, and in app consumption. In Win8.1 software, 40% of applications rely on advertising, and 29% of WP applications rely on advertising. In addition, the advertising development interface provided by Microsoft itself contributes 30% to 40% of in application advertising revenue. true // report one thousand and thirty-six [Zhongguancun online software information] May 27 news: Recently, Microsoft released the download report of Win8 and WP8 platform APP in April, which shows that China's position as the world's largest smartphone country has begun to affect the WP application ecosystem. The number of downloads by Chinese users is now second only to the United States. At present, the Win8.1 store has covered 233 markets worldwide, Windows Phone
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