Zhonggong Entertainment

Xining: More than 10000 posts for college graduates in spring

Source: Xining Evening News
2024-06-14 08:37

Original title: More than 10000 posts for college graduates in spring

Xining Evening News (reporter Liu Yu) The reporter learned from the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau that the spring special event of "Guiding the Future with Jobs - 2024 Large and Medium Cities Joint Recruitment of College Graduates" has recently successfully concluded. Our city actively promotes the employment of college graduates, holds 47 online and offline recruitment activities, invites 1375 household employers to participate in the conference, and provides 11600 jobs, It attracted nearly 10000 college graduates to apply for jobs on the spot, and the number of hits of the live post activities reached 27000, with 760 people reaching the intention.

It is understood that the "Future of Career Guidance - 2024 Spring Special Event for Jointly Recruiting College Graduates in Large and Medium Cities" kicked off in March this year, during which the employment department of our city actively contacted colleges and universities and employment enterprises, and issued recruitment information through Qinghai Renshe Tong APP, WeChat public account, convenient information column, etc. to effectively improve the awareness of the event. Through the combination of "online+offline", organize and carry out on-site job fairs in the form of "one-on-one" and "face-to-face" negotiation, consultation, observation, etc., and rely on public employment service platforms at all levels, public accounts, financial media, video accounts and other new media to promote jobs synchronously, so as to build a supply and demand platform for job seekers in an all-round way. In order to further broaden the recruitment channels, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Haixi, together with the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Haixi, carried out a small recruitment activity at the "gate of home" of Qinghai Minzu University, and reached an intentional agreement with 91 people. We innovatively carried out "group" employment, organized 120 college graduates to participate in job fairs in Yinchuan City, and organized 189 secondary vocational school graduates to go to Guangdong for practical training, which opened up new ideas for the employment of college and technical secondary school graduates in the city.

At the same time, in order to further improve the quality of employment services, an employment and entrepreneurship service station, a resume diagnosis area, a vocational ability assessment area and a mobile service window are set up at the recruitment activity site to answer questions, handle business and provide employment guidance for graduates. By means of "cloud service", live broadcasting, enterprise exploration, talent night market and other models, we extend our service and promote the employment of college graduates. Up to now, the city has received 5878 unemployed college graduates who have left school, and 5275 have been employed, with a registered employment rate of 89.74%.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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