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Dingxi City, Gansu Province, Play a Good "Combination Fist" to Promote High Quality and Full Employment of Key Groups

Source: Dingxi Daily
2024-06-14 08:43

Original title: Dingxi City plays a good "combination boxing" to promote high-quality and full employment of key groups

Dingxi Daily News (Song Yu, correspondent of New Dingxi Daily) Since this year, our city has conscientiously implemented the deployment requirements of the central and provincial party committees, insisted on taking employment as the most basic livelihood, focused on the new orientation and new mission of employment work in the new era and new journey, strengthened the policy of employment priority, improved the employment promotion mechanism, and made every effort to promote high-quality and full employment, Efforts have been made to ensure the steady increase of people's income. 656200 people have been employed and started businesses through labor transfer, new urban employment, employment recruitment, public placement and other forms.

Focus on employment of key groups and improve policies to ensure strong security. The "professional+three member" model improves the quality of urban employment. The employment service model of "employment professionals+grid staff+information staff+liaison staff" was fully implemented, 89 communities in the city were divided into 783 grids, 112 employment professionals and 975 grid staff were identified, and employment information planning and policy publicity were carried out regularly and fixedly to further extend service coverage, expand service content and improve service quality. Since this year, 9111 new urban jobs have been created in the city, helping 2577 unemployed people and 888 people with difficulties in finding jobs. The "double train renewal" continued to increase the organizational transmission. We continued to consolidate and improve 10 "10000 person labor bases" in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Shaanxi, Fujian, Shandong, and the "100000 person labor base" centered on Lanzhou. At the beginning of the year, we sent high-speed trains and free buses to Qingdao, Fuzhou, and Lanzhou, respectively, and realized the "double train renewal" of high-speed trains for returning to work for four consecutive years. Up to now, the city has transferred 612900 urban and rural surplus labor force, including 285000 poverty alleviation labor force, and achieved labor income of 9.545 billion yuan. "Online+offline" synchronous employment recruitment activities. Close to the employment needs of enterprises and the employment characteristics of job seekers, establish a "double collection" mechanism of job and job information, carry out a series of activities of "six entry" live broadcast by Dingxi People's News Agency, focus on sending policies, jobs, services and warmth to all kinds of job seekers, and promote the employment of groups with employment difficulties through multiple channels. Up to now, the city has held 64 recruitment activities such as "2024 Dingxi 'Spring Breeze Action · Employment Assistance Month' and 'Longyuan Entrepreneurship Loan' Financing Business Activity Fair", 1588 households issued 51000 job demands and reached 5343 preliminary employment intentions.

Enrich employment assistance carriers, optimize services and improve quality. Promote the construction of odd jobs market. With the goal of promoting multi-channel flexible employment of key groups such as those with difficulties in employment and migrant workers in cities, each county/district has built 10 odd jobs markets (post stations) by means of new construction and adaptation to local conditions, among which 2 public institutions have added odd jobs service zones, 3 have entrusted operational human resources service agencies to operate, 2 have jointly built love post stations with the Women's Federation of Trade Unions, and 3 odd jobs post stations, A total of 28 staff members were allocated, with a total of 7001 people serving the groups with employment difficulties and 398 employers. Carry out employment assistance by category. We will continue to deepen the "311" (three job information push, one vocational training recommendation and one vocational guidance for key groups such as rural workers, urban registered unemployed, ex servicemen, college graduates, and people who have been lifted out of poverty) employment services every year. Since this year, the city has visited more than 1000 people with difficulties in employment, carried out 410 job introductions and distributed 62000 publicity materials. Improve the effectiveness of skill training. The menu based training mode of "Four Party Alliance" with the main content of "integrating resources, government ordering, trainees ordering, and department chefs" will be comprehensively promoted, and employment skills training and entrepreneurship training for people with employment difficulties will be vigorously carried out to further expand the employment space for groups with employment difficulties. Up to now, 8034 person times of government subsidized vocational skills training have been completed, including 2350 person times of vocational skills training for health care service practitioners.

Pay attention to the implementation of policy funds, and help enterprises stabilize their posts and gather dividends. We will strengthen support for entrepreneurship. We will actively promote the implementation of the business guarantee loan policy, and give full support to key groups such as urban registered unemployed, people with difficulties in finding employment, ex servicemen, people released after serving their sentences, college graduates, and unemployed people in starting businesses. Since this year, the city has granted a total of 82.23 million yuan of business guarantee loans to eligible individuals and small and micro enterprises, including 73.13 million yuan of personal business guarantee loans to 455 people and 9.1 million yuan of business guarantee loans to 6 small and micro enterprises, supporting 1088 people to start businesses. Support the stability and expansion of the main body. Focusing on stabilizing the employment of the groups with difficulties in employment, we continued to implement policies such as periodic reduction of industrial injury and unemployment insurance rates through "direct payment and direct access" and "free application and immediate access", reducing unemployment insurance premiums by 4.0729 million yuan for 2606 enterprises and 2.371 million yuan for 2446 enterprises. Pay employment subsidies. Earnestly implement various supporting policies for employment and entrepreneurship, such as entrepreneurial guarantee loans, vocational training, loan discount, job subsidies, etc. for groups with employment difficulties. So far, the city has granted 1.3674 million yuan of vocational skills training subsidies, 707600 yuan of employment probation subsidies, 1.273 million yuan of one-time job search and entrepreneurship subsidies, 30000 yuan of one-time entrepreneurship subsidies, 8.2555 million yuan of social insurance subsidies, and 32.0419 million yuan of public welfare post subsidies.

Pay close attention to the protection of workers' rights and interests, and build a bridge connecting rights protection. Earnestly eradicate wage arrears. We will comprehensively implement the working mechanism of "three visits and three advances" to eradicate wage arrears (focus on special "interviews" to resolve wage arrears in advance; make an appointment to accept online "interviews" to grasp the clues of wage arrears in advance; the seven parties will discuss and quickly "settle visits" to prevent wage arrears in advance), establish a diversified mechanism to resolve labor disputes, and earnestly safeguard the rights and interests of migrant workers in labor remuneration. Since this year, 221 employers (times) have been inspected, involving 13000 migrant workers, 14 cases of wage arrears have been filed and settled, 62 cases have been coordinated, and 38.04 million yuan has been recovered for 2253 migrant workers. Strengthen employment supervision. Guide platform enterprises and platform cooperative enterprises to sign labor contracts or written agreements with employees of new employment forms in a standardized manner, and employ workers in accordance with laws and regulations. Strengthen supervision, further standardize the flexible employment of platform enterprises, and require enterprises and employees to sign a written agreement to reasonably determine the rights and obligations of both parties for those who do not fully comply with the establishment of labor relations, but do labor management for employees in new employment forms. So far, there are 93 Internet platform enterprises in the city with 2436 employees, and 2561 labor contracts or agreements have been signed. Strengthen the protection of rights and interests. Urge and guide the platform to establish an income distribution mechanism that matches the work task and labor intensity, reasonably determine the order quantity, punctuality rate, online rate and other assessment factors, guide enterprises to establish a reasonable growth mechanism of labor remuneration, and gradually improve the salary level of employees in new employment forms. Fully implement the basic endowment insurance, basic medical insurance, work-related injury insurance and other policies and regulations, give priority to paying work-related injury insurance for employees in new employment forms, and all 1586 employees in the city's grass-roots express outlets participate in work-related injury insurance.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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