Zhonggong Entertainment

Lhasa Federation of Trade Unions launched the activity of "Our Festival · Dragon Boat Festival"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-12 10:15

On June 10, the Lhasa Federation of Trade Unions and the Chengguan Wanda Business District Trade Union held the theme activity of "Our Festival · Dragon Boat Festival". More than 100 staff representatives, including salesmen, Meituan, hungry food delivery staff, medical workers, lawyers, and sanitation workers, participated in the activity.

Before the event, staff representatives collectively watched a popular science video introducing the origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. Next is the Dragon Boat Festival knowledge question and answer session, which includes the history, culture, folk customs, poems, songs, riddles and other aspects of the Dragon Boat Festival. The on-site staff actively answered and the atmosphere was warm.

During the activity, there was also a competition for making dumplings. Under the guidance of the staff, representatives of workers from all industries participated in the activity. Everyone gathered together, stroking the leaves, filling glutinous rice, placing stuffing, and tightening the mouth. Soon, one by one, with different shapes, came out. The scene was full of laughter and laughter, and the atmosphere was happy and harmonious.

The medical staff and lawyers on site provided free legal advice and blood pressure measurement and other routine physical examination services for the past staff and workers. There was also a trade union consultation, membership registration, and policy answering service area on the site. The staff gave detailed answers to the questions about the new employment form workers' membership, trade union assistance, mutual assistance and security of workers, which were generally concerned by workers. At the same time, they also issued policy brochures related to migrant workers' rights protection services.

This activity not only let the staff experience the cultural charm of the traditional festival, but also strengthened the emotional connection between the trade union and the staff. Next, the Lhasa Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out more diversified and diversified theme activities in combination with traditional festivals, guide more social organizations to participate in the services of trade unions, warm outdoor workers with love, build a bridge of love with true feelings, and truly deliver services to the hearts of outdoor workers, so that workers can feel more sense of gain Happiness and security. (Cao Yang)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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