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The demonstration and exchange activity of "industrial transformation" in light industry was held in Danyang, Jiangsu

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-06-07 07:29

Original title: Light Industry "Industry Reform" Demonstration Exchange Activity Held in Danyang, Jiangsu Province (Quote)

Insist on deepening the "production reform" to promote the development of new quality productivity (theme)

CAMCE News (Worker's Daily - CAMCE reporter Wang Wei) On June 6, the light industry deepened the construction and reform of the industrial workforce, and the trade union promoted the development of new quality productivity demonstration and exchange activities were held in Danyang, Jiangsu. Relevant leaders of the All China Federation of Trade Unions participated in the activity.

Since the launch of the special action to deepen the construction and reform of the industrial workforce in the light industry in April 2022, industrial trade unions, industry associations and pilot units at all levels have attached great importance to, acted quickly, focused on difficulties, highlighted key points, and carried out work creatively, forming a batch of replicable and promotable light industry "industrial reform" experience. 9 units including Danyang Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and 42 units including Linhai Municipal Federation of Trade Unions focused on deepening the theme of "industrial reform" to promote the development of new quality productivity, and carried out on-site exchanges and experience exchanges around "improving energy, gathering new ideas, strengthening the foundation, and building momentum". The labor model representatives of the light industry issued the initiative of "developing new quality light industry and striving to be the innovation pioneer" to the industry workers.

The event pointed out that it is necessary to deeply study and understand the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on new quality productivity, accurately grasp the significance of deepening the "industrial reform" to promote the development of new quality productivity, find the right combination and focus of the "industrial reform" work and the development of new quality productivity, and constantly open a new situation of the "industrial reform" work under the new situation, Write a new chapter of trade unions promoting the development of new quality productive forces. As the main battlefield for the development of new quality light industry, the top 200 light industry enterprises should conscientiously implement the Notice on Carrying out Special Actions for the Construction and Reform of Industrial Workers in Top 100 Light Industry Enterprises, fully fulfill the main responsibilities of enterprises, give play to their demonstration and driving role in the industry, promote the "industrial reform" of light industry to go deeper and deeper, and help the development of new quality productivity to achieve new improvement.

Nearly 300 people participated in the activity, including comrades from Jiangsu Federation of Trade Unions, Zhenjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Danyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, leading comrades from provincial industrial trade unions, leading comrades from relevant industrial cluster trade unions, leading comrades from key enterprises of light industry "industrial reform" special action, and leading comrades from trade unions of top 200 light industry enterprises.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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