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Zunyi Federation of Trade Unions held road traffic safety publicity activities

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-28 14:32

In order to effectively strengthen the publicity work of road traffic safety, enhance the road traffic safety awareness of the staff and workers, prevent and reduce the occurrence of road traffic accidents, on May 22, the 2024 road traffic safety publicity of Zunyi City and the "Labor Union around, Safety Every Day", sponsored by the Guizhou Zunyi Federation of Trade Unions, Zunyi Public Security and Traffic Management Bureau, and undertaken by the Trade Union Working Committee of Zunyi Municipal Organs The theme propaganda activity was held in the Municipal Workers' Cultural Palace, and more than 100 cadres and employees of municipal organs attended.

The theme of this activity is "Case Study · Traffic Safety That Can't Be Ignored". By enumerating detailed data and shocking cases, this activity shows and analyzes the serious potential safety hazards of distracted driving, fatigue driving, drunk driving and other violations of the Road Traffic Safety Law, and the huge harm caused by traffic accidents to society, individuals and families. During the activity, there was also a competition for prizes on traffic safety knowledge, and the cadres and staff of the government departments competed to answer questions first. The atmosphere at the scene was warm.

At the scene of the activity, the police also interacted with the staff, and made an "alcohol concentration test" by eating litchi, beer, egg yolk pie and other foods to publicize the dangers of drunk driving, remind everyone not to take chances when driving, and calculate a "responsibility account, economic account, and family account" for drunk driving.

The staff participating in the activity said that the activity was rich in content and thought-provoking in cases. In the future work and life, they will put traffic safety first, start with details and start from themselves, consciously become the initiator, participant and practitioner of civilized traffic, and contribute their own strength to create a safe, smooth and civilized road traffic environment.

Next, the activity will also go deep into bus drivers, truck drivers, online car hailing drivers, express boys and other groups, improve everyone's awareness of safe and civilized driving, and strive to be a practitioner, advocate and communicator of civilized transportation.

(Sun Yu, all media reporter of Labor Times)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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