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Sichuan: Strengthen the source of litigation governance, precisely escort the legitimate rights and interests of workers

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-23 07:28

Original title: Sichuan Trade Union and the Provincial High Court of the Provincial People's Procuratorate jointly promote "one letter and two books" to play a role (quotation)

Strengthen source of complaint management and precisely escort the legitimate rights and interests of workers (theme)

CAMCE News (Worker's Daily - CAMCE reporter Li Na) Recently, the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, together with the Provincial People's Procuratorate and the Provincial Higher People's Court, jointly issued the Opinions on Promoting the Use of the "One Letter, Two Books" System to Strengthen the Protection of Workers' Rights and Interests (Trial) and the Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening the Protection of Workers' Legal Rights and Interests, We will fully implement the "one letter, two letters" system, give full play to the synergy of the judicial and procuratorial organs and trade unions, give full play to the judicial and judicial functions of the judicial and procuratorial organs, the legal supervision functions and the advantages of trade unions to closely link workers with employers, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, promote the construction of harmonious labor relations, and effectively prevent and resolve conflicts and disputes in the labor field.

Relying on the above documents, the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions and the Provincial Procuratorate will strengthen the connection and cooperation between procuratorial supervision and "one letter and two letters", based on the "four procuratorial" business functions of criminal, civil, administrative and public interest litigation, make overall efforts to supervise and warn risks before good deeds, coordinate to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers, and promote administration according to law. It is clear that the procuratorial organs and the Federation of Trade Unions should deeply practice the "Maple Bridge Experience" of the new era, and actively provide legal advice, legal aid and other services for workers by focusing on solving the problems related to labor remuneration, social security, labor protection and other aspects of workers' vital interests. At the same time, they should explore the connection with local "big mediation" related institutions or platforms, Further integrate into the diversified mediation work pattern of social contradictions and disputes. In terms of system guarantee, through the establishment and improvement of six working mechanisms, including cooperation and cooperation mechanism, joint meeting mechanism, communication and liaison mechanism, classroom training mechanism, case selection mechanism, and joint research mechanism, the procuratorial organ and the trade union will ensure the quality and efficiency of cooperation and cooperation between the procuratorial organ and the trade union, and improve the level of workers' rights and interests protection, Promote social harmony and stability.

Focusing on further strengthening the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of workers and other related work, the Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions and the Provincial High Court clearly established a coordination mechanism, strengthened business exchanges on the rights and interests of workers, jointly carried out special research, established and improved the working mechanism of "full process mediation labor arbitration litigation enforcement", and jointly carried out labor law supervision Standardize the feedback on transfer of labor dispute cases, carry out credit punishment, establish incentive guarantee, select typical cases of diversified solutions to disputes, and other 10 specific work measures, so as to better play the good role of litigation mediation docking and judicial suggestions of the people's court in promoting the governance of the source of labor and personnel disputes, and jointly create a labor relations governance model with Sichuan characteristics.

It is reported that the Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions, the Provincial High Court and the Provincial Procuratorate will regularly summarize and report on the work of promoting "one letter and two books", and timely improve the level of cooperation and expand the influence of the cooperation mechanism through joint selection of excellent documents, release of typical cases and other ways.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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