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The video released by the online car hailing industry union of Xi'an Beilin District has attracted hundreds of thousands of online car hailing drivers' attention in the past six months

The video number made by the chairman of the labor union is "hot"

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-23 07:32

Original title: The video released by the online car hailing industry union in Beilin District of Xi'an has attracted hundreds of thousands of online car hailing drivers over the past six months (quotation)

The video number "Fire" made by the chairman of the labor union (theme)

Worker's Daily - China Industrial Network reporter Mao Yongxi Correspondent Zhu Pan

One night not long ago, Yuan Huanglian, the taxi driver of Xi'an Network, Shaanxi Province, saw the last passenger off and leaned wearily in the car to watch the mobile phone video. Soon, a video of "Guide to avoiding pits on online car hailing platform" attracted her attention.

The anchor in the video smiled, but was a little nervous, and unconsciously raised his hand from side to side while reading. Related to her career, Yuan Huanglian clicked the collection and opened the video home page, which showed that the main body was the "Beilin District Online Car hailing Industry Union". There was also a brief introduction below: "Create more favorable conditions for workers in the online car hailing industry in their work and life, and do a practical and detailed right protection service, so that every online car hailing driver can feel the warmth and care of home."

After reading the introduction, Yuan Huanglian was moved. Recently, she is worried about the issue of online car hailing operation loss certificate. She opened the videos of the number one by one, "revealing the hidden risks of online car hailing platform", "online car hailing platform risk guide", "online car hailing platform real case"... More than half an hour passed before she knew it, and Yuan Huanglian firmly remembered the words that would appear at the end of each video: "If there is a problem with sports cars, feel free to look for the vault."

"Who is the treasury?" Yuan Huanglian could not help wondering.

Seeing many messages asking for help in the comment area, Yuan Huanglian opened the dialog box with a dubious attitude.

"Hello! There is a problem with the sports car. Don't worry about looking for the vault. What can I do for you?" A message pops up automatically.

"Can I ask you something?" Yuan Huanglian input carefully.

"Yes, please say." After a while, the other party replied.

"Online car hailing sues the other party. Do you need a running certificate of operation loss? Do you want to call at the management office?" Yuan Huanglian asked.

"Yes, the running certificate or other certificates recognized by the court can be used. You can go to the taxi management office to communicate and try to issue this certificate. If you encounter any problems in the process, you can continue to contact and the labor union will help you solve them." Soon, a long message jumped on the screen... Yuan Huanglian was moved by the help of strangers.

Wang Jinku, currently the chairman of Xi'an Beilin District Online Car hailing Industry Union, was once the general manager of a large online car hailing platform in Xi'an. As the general manager, Wang Jinku "blended" into the online taxi drivers every day, chatting with everyone, making friends, and investigating the difficulties and needs of drivers.

Over three years, Wang Jinku interviewed more than 3000 online taxi hailing drivers through various channels, and more than 1000 people added WeChat.

At the beginning of 2022, the relevant person in charge of the Zhangjiacun Sub district Federation of Trade Unions in Beilin District found Wang Jinku and joined the association in the construction of the car hailing platform of the exchange network. Wang Jinku was very active and tried to contact with the headquarters of all online car hailing platforms.

Then, with the support and help of Xi'an City, District and Sub district Federation of Trade Unions, Beilin District Online Car hailing Industry Union was established. After the establishment of the trade union, how can it better fit in with the online taxi hailing driver group and organize activities in the form they like to see and hear? Wang Jinku was lost in thought and hoped to find a way to get twice the result with half the effort.

As a senior person in the online car hailing industry, Wang Jinku has paid attention to a large number of videos in the industry. One day, while he was painting a video, an idea emerged: "Can we also create a video number for knowledge popularization, rights protection services, legal advice, and trade union work promotion in the online car hailing industry?"

Just do what you say. When Tianwang Treasury started to set up a video team, he became a presenter. As it was distributed in the name of the trade union, Wang Jinku was particularly careful. After the first video was made, he found the relevant heads of the Propaganda Department, the Cyber Information Office, the Transportation Bureau and the Network Center of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and repeatedly asked for advice and suggestions. Later, with the cooperation and help of multiple departments, the first video was released successfully, with more than 110000 playback, nearly 3000 likes, and hundreds of comments and notes.

"In the digital era, with the change of employees' lifestyle, it is urgent for us to open up new positions and explore new models to better serve the rights of employees. It is a bold attempt and exploration for Beilin District online car hailing industry union to make a video number. Facts have proved that this way has a good guiding role for online car hailing drivers, and also contributes to the healthy and healthy development of the entire industry. " Wang Yuanshu, executive vice chairman of Beilin District Federation of Trade Unions, said.

In half a year, the Beilin District online car hailing industry union released 23 videos, which attracted hundreds of thousands of online car hailing drivers, and gradually formed its own unique video style. The video was shown by Wang Jinku, and the content was checked by professionals. It only talked about the existing facts and the topics that online taxi hailing drivers most cared about. Among them, the video with the theme of "who is suitable for online car hailing" ignited the circle of friends of online car hailing drivers, and 18000 people liked it, with a rate of 36%.

One night, Wang Jinku went home through the platform to take a taxi. On the bus, he talked with the driver as usual. "Our online taxi drivers all know you. You are the vault. 'If there is a problem with a sports car, please look for the vault.'" The driver said excitedly and gave a thumbs up to Wang Jinku in the back seat.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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