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Hainan Nuclear Power Trade Union integrates resources and cultivates talents to help employees from "workers" to "craftsmen"——

Why does this enterprise "cluster colleges"?

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-23 07:42

Original title: Hainan Nuclear Power Trade Union integrates resources and cultivates talents to help employees from "workers" to "craftsmen" - (quotation)

Why does this enterprise "cluster colleges"? Subject

Worker's Daily - reporter Lai Shuwen of China Industrial Network

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In order to cultivate more skilled talents, Hainan Nuclear Power Trade Union has integrated the excellent teachers inside and outside the enterprise, founded several craftsman colleges on the basis of exploring the establishment of maintenance colleges, trained workers in multiple dimensions, effectively shortened the talent training cycle, and helped employees accelerate the upgrading from "workers" to "craftsmen".

"Thanks to the company's training resources, I got the key sensitive equipment operation qualification that I needed five years to get, but now I have it in three years." Recently, Liu Wangzhou, an instrument maintenance worker, told reporters at the completion class of the maintenance college of Hainan Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

In recent years, Hainan Nuclear Power Trade Union has integrated resources, founded a craftsman's college on the basis of exploring the establishment of a maintenance college, carried out layered and classified training, focused on training "high, precise and highly skilled" talents and highly skilled talents, improved the overall technology and skill level of the staff, and helped the staff to quickly upgrade from "workers" to "craftsmen", Effectively improve the independent innovation ability and core competitiveness of enterprises.

The demand for talents gives birth to "colleges"

In 2021, Liu Wangzhou graduated from school and went to Hainan Nuclear Power. During the rapid development period of Hainan Nuclear Power, the maintenance department has exported a large number of skilled workers, which has led to a sharp decrease in the number of technical backbone personnel. How to help young workers grow rapidly has become an urgent task for enterprises.

In this regard, Hainan Nuclear Power Trade Union took the lead, relying on the company's backbone talents in the field of maintenance, and invited Chen Jianxin, the chief engineer of Hainan Nuclear Power, Fan Chuanzhou, the general manager of China Nuclear Power Maintenance Changjiang Branch, Tu Liefeng, the general manager of Zhejiang Thermal Power Changjiang Branch, and other experts as distinguished professors to establish a maintenance college to cultivate and output backbone and leading talents in the field of nuclear power maintenance.

"Previously, the main training mode was" centralized training+mentoring ", which was not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also uneven in training results. So this time we integrate excellent teachers, which is to find a new way to shorten the talent training cycle." Hu Dongqing, deputy director of Hainan Nuclear Power, said that after three years of exploration, the enterprise has explored a set of "layered package modularization" The training mode, while keeping the training systematic and targeted, realizes the modularization and rapid prototyping of staff skills, and summarizes the training methods such as immersive simulation drill method, visual procedure learning method, team project annual assessment method, etc. The courses include basic skills courses and high-end maintenance skills courses. The contents are the refinement of years of work experience of elites in various fields of Hainan Nuclear Power, with the distinctive characteristics of "matching", "sufficient materials", "adequate management" and "thirst quenching".

"College clustering" to achieve multi-dimensional training

"This month, our school of chemistry started the digital transformation of training resources, and will gradually complete the standardization and electronic transformation of training courses" "This month, our school of operations plans to organize the leadership training of vice shift chief operators and shift chief operators, and strive to cultivate 2-3 gold medal shift chief operators and chief shift chief operators"... At the monthly regular meeting of Hainan Nuclear Power, the heads of each school report the progress of talent cultivation in turn.

Since this year, Hainan Nuclear Power has relied on the founding experience of the maintenance college, with the support of the Hainan Federation of Trade Unions, to establish a craftsman's college, and create more talents through multi-dimensional training. The College of Craftsmanship consists of the Maintenance College, the Operation College, the Chemistry College and the Xiaodui International Training Center. It has 176 teachers, 149 professional and technical personnel, including 12 senior high vocational students, 74 vice senior high vocational students and 31 highly skilled personnel. More than 1100 trainees have been trained. At present, Hainan Nuclear Power Maintenance College has three departments, namely, the Department of Mechanics, the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Instrumentation and Control, and has also set up a teaching and research group. The teaching staff has grown continuously. 364 team leaders in the maintenance field have been trained, more than 30 patents and soft books have been obtained, and more than 10 achievements have been transformed.

"Next, we plan to open a 'training supermarket', focus on building a skills training laboratory, copy the scene and possible working conditions, and further cultivate and expand the skilled industrial workers," said Zou Yimin, chairman of Hainan Nuclear Power Trade Union.

Innovation Studio Cradle of Adult Talents

Recently, the operation steady state monitoring system developed by Wu Chengjun Innovation Studio has been put into use. This means that the three or four thousand instrument data of a unit of Hainan Nuclear Power only need to run the steady-state monitoring system to monitor the parameters. In case of abnormalities, the abnormal parameters can be accurately located through sound and light alarms, instead of manually checking and registering one by one.

Watching this system put into operation, the chief operator of Hainan Nuclear Power, Shu Xiaoming, and the deputy chief operator, Gu Bingbing, were very pleased. They are members of Wu Chengjun's Innovation Studio. This is the first time that they have fully participated in the design and writing of the system program.

"In recent years, we have standardized the management and operation of innovation studios to better play the role of innovation and education," said Zou Yimin.

Since 2017, Hainan Nuclear Power has established Zhao Yongsheng Innovation Studio, Chen Jianxin Innovation Studio and other employee innovation studios, and has obtained more than 100 patents. Many employees have won honorary titles such as national technical experts and high-level "leading talents" in Hainan Province.

In the construction of staff innovation studio, Hainan Nuclear Power has also organically combined technical improvement, technical innovation and skills competition and other activities, played the role of "mentoring", carried out targeted skills training and research and improvement of key work, formulated annual special training plan every year, and organized special learning and training activities, At present, 13 high-level talents of Class E and 5 high-level talents of Class D have been trained in Hainan Province.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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