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Craftsman Collection · "Corps Craftsman" in 2023 | Zhan Yong: Rooted in farmland for 28 years only to produce corps "Golden Peas"

Source: Corps Daily
2024-05-14 13:57

Original title:

Zhan Yong: Rooted in farmland for 28 years only to produce "Jindoudou" of the Corps

Chen Jingru, full media reporter of Bingtuan Daily

On May 6, Zhan Yong took the record book to observe and record each material in the test field. On the thick soybean field record book, he recorded the emergence, flowering and other data of tens of thousands of seed materials. For more than ten years, from sowing to harvesting, he can always see his figure in the experimental field. He treats soybeans like a child, and knows the plant structure and growth habits of each soybean variety.

Zhan Yong has been working in the Crop Research Institute of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Reclamation Sciences since 1996, and now serves as the director of the Crop Research Institute of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Reclamation Sciences and the leader of the soybean innovation team. Zhan Yong has been doing research work, leaving traces of years on his face. Zhan Yong led the team members to select and breed more than 20 new soybean varieties (lines), and the soybean planting area has been expanded to 124 regiments of 13 divisions.

After graduating from college, Zhan Yong came to work in the Crop Research Institute of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Reclamation Sciences. He followed Luo Gengtong, a soybean expert, to carry out various scientific research work. From then on, Zhan Yong had an indissoluble bond with soybeans. In order to improve the level of professional knowledge and scientific research accomplishment, Zhan Yong used his spare time to study hard and study for a master's degree in Nanjing Agricultural University.

Zhan Yong observes the growth of soybeans in the experimental field (taken on September 14, 2023). Photographed by Chen Suizhong

After completing his studies, Zhan Yong gave up the high paying job opportunities offered by units outside Xinjiang and resolutely returned to Xinjiang to continue his beloved soybean research.

Zhan Yong aimed at the problems of poor adaptability, low yield and weak resistance of soybean varieties in the reclamation area, overcame many difficulties, and actively carried out the technical breakthrough of soybean "choking".

Zhan Yong, relying on the Shihezi Comprehensive Experimental Station of the national soybean industry technology system, actively collected and introduced more than 2000 varieties of soybean germplasm resources, identified more than 10000 soybean resources, and created more than 5000 excellent germplasm by using hybrid combination, nuclear sterile recurrent population technology, whole genome technology, etc., in order to solve the problems of existing varieties and enrich the soybean germplasm resource bank in Xinjiang.

In order to improve soybean yield, during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, Zhan Yong focused on high-yield cultivation and carried out research work such as high-density planting and chemical regulation. In order to break through the bottleneck problem and increase the output significantly, he devoted himself to research and analyze the reasons for the limitation of output increase one by one.

In order to ensure the reliability of the test results, he repeated a test for three years. After summarizing and analyzing all the data, he obtained the best irrigation amount and fertilizer ratio data, which laid the experimental foundation for the integration of high-yield cultivation techniques.

Everything comes to him who waits. With the unremitting efforts of Zhan Yong and the team members, the average yield of the Corps' soybeans during the "13th Five Year Plan" period has significantly increased, and several high-yield soybean cultivation technical regulations have been tested and demonstrated in Shihezi City of the 8th Division, Kekedara City of the 4th Division, Tumushuke City of the 3rd Division, Altay and other places.

In 2023, Zhan Yong and his team members will adopt the new high-yield variety "Longken 324" to create a new high yield record of 467.24 kg per mu of soybeans. The "six technologies" of precision agriculture, as well as the main technologies such as improved varieties and methods, and model cultivation, will provide a high-yield and efficient planting mode and technical support for large-scale planting of soybeans in similar regions in China.

Because he has been dealing with bean farmers all the year round, Zhan Yong has built many WeChat groups to answer their questions and give guidance on planting. In recent years, he has trained more than 5000 scientific and technological personnel, grass-roots technical personnel and large growers to provide technical support for the high-yield soybean production in large areas of the Corps.

"When the heart is in the same skill, the skill must work; when the heart is in the same job, the job must be promoted". Zhan Yong is always strict with himself, and does his work to the utmost. He is dedicated to choosing one thing for the rest of his life, and strives for excellence in every line of work, creating extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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