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"2024 China Digital Economy Development and Rule of Law Construction Forum" was held
   People's Daily Online, Beijing, June 11 (Gao Qingyang) Recently, the "2024 Forum on China's Digital Economy Development and Rule of Law Construction", co sponsored by the China Economic Reform Research Foundation, the China Law Exchange Foundation, and the Center for Science, Technology and Law Research of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, was held in Beijing, with the theme of "artificial intelligence technology development and legal response", It aims to contribute wisdom and strength to further promote the development of "artificial intelligence+" and digital economy. Peng Sen, President of the China Economic System Reform Research Association, Gan Zangchun, Vice President of the China Law Society, and Fang Xin, Professor of the School of Public Policy and Management of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Director of the Center for Science, Technology and Law Research, delivered speeches respectively, stressing the need to support data innovation, promote the healthy development of the data factor market and the data economy, Explore the underlying logic of legal reform in the digital era in the development of the big model of generative AI, and strive to achieve the same frequency resonance and small steps of legal reform and AI. At the same time, call for improving the legal and policy framework related to AI governance in China, provide more clear and stable rule guidance for various subjects, and promote the high-quality development of AI with efficient governance.
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