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"Auto insurance" related channel information

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    Would you like to join the car wash shop or do it yourself

    Advantages and disadvantages of joining an auto beauty shop: the main advantage of joining is that it can quickly start the business with the help of the existing brand effect and mature operation mode, and at the same time, it can also enjoy comprehensive early support from technical training to daily management. However, joining also means paying certain joining fees, which may include

  • 2024-06-02

    How much does it cost to join the 4S store

    First of all, the capital demand for opening a 4S store is relatively large, which is estimated to be around five or six million yuan. This includes the purchase cost of vehicles, decoration and leasing of stores, equipment input, salaries of professionals and other costs. Because the interior decoration design of the 4S store is usually luxurious and grand

  • 2024-05-31

    How much is the franchise fee for the sales of new energy vehicles

    To join Mingai New Energy Smart Car, you need to consider the related expenses of stores of different sizes. Here is a rough list of joining costs: 1 Rent: According to the size of the store, the monthly rent varies from 12000 yuan to 36000 yuan. 2. Decoration cost: decoration cost is 7/m2,

  • 2024-04-27

    How much does it cost to join the EV charging post

    The process of charging pile joining covers the whole process from brand selection to final business, and the specific steps are as follows: 1 Brand determination stage: considering the numerous charging pile brands in the market, entrepreneurs need to select a brand suitable for joining according to their own financial resources, development plans, brand market position and joining threshold. two

  • 2024-04-27

    Shared electric vehicle franchise expenses

    The franchise cost of the shared electric vehicle project ranges from 100000 yuan to 200000 yuan, and the capital composition involved includes rent, decoration costs, employee expenses, marketing and promotion costs, etc. A comprehensive capital planning is required before the franchise. Working capital, as the core support of business operation, is particularly critical, which supports franchise

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