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Q&A on "Western Food"

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    1. If you want to join a 60 square meter store in a first tier city, the franchisee needs to prepare 7200 store rent and 700 water and electricity fees every month. Pizza production requires some professional equipment and a lot of raw materials

  • answer

    Personally, I think these rankings have some reference value, but the specific situation depends on your own choice. Then the top five shops in the world's top ten western restaurants seem to be Zuolin Youshe Western Restaurant, Dick Wharf Western Restaurant, Dorui Town Western Restaurant

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    If you want to know how much it costs to join a western restaurant, my personal advice is that you need to prepare about 250000 yuan of working capital, because the wooden door of his home is relatively high for making western food, because the cost of equipment and materials and many other things

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    Different places and stores have different prices. How much is Suzhou western food? Meals cost about 100~20 yuan. Of course, it depends on your dining environment and the type of food you choose. At present, we know that if you want to open a western restaurant

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    A friend of mine wanted to start a business here in Guangzhou. He was asking how much it would cost to open a western restaurant. The cost of opening a chain store here in Guangzhou was about 700000 yuan to 800000 yuan. Once a big boss opened a large-scale chain store here in Zhujiang New Town in Guangzhou

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