Sichuan War Epidemic Diary: The Return to Work of Yi Peng, a "post-90s" migrant worker

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In response to the problem of migrant workers returning to work during the epidemic, the Sichuan Department of Transport, together with the human resources and social security, health, public security and other departments, deployed and studied, and carried out the "Spring Breeze Action" - a transportation service action to provide migrant workers with safe and orderly return to work and support factory production and return to work in Sichuan. With the help of the "Spring Breeze Action", Yi Peng, a post-90s migrant worker at the construction site of Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Sports Park, and his 14 fellow workers also returned to their posts smoothly. The reporter witnessed the first day of Yi Peng's return to work.

Source: People's Daily Online - People's Video 09:28, February 18, 2020
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(Editor in charge: Zuo Rui, Deng Nan)