Retirement in Thailand

Photography | Edited by Wu Hao | Wang Wei and Zhao Lulu Sina pictures produced

There are many international schools in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where high-quality teaching resources and relatively low tuition fees attract a large number of Chinese parents. Many old people also come here to help their children take care of their children while providing for the elderly. In recent years, livable Chiang Mai has become a "pension paradise" in the imagination of many Chinese people.

Retirement in Thailand

Wen/Wu Hao

There are many international schools in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where high-quality teaching resources and relatively low tuition fees attract a large number of Chinese parents. Many old people also come here to help their children take care of their children while providing for the elderly. In recent years, in addition to cheap and beautiful international education resources, Chiang Mai's livable environment has also made it a "pension paradise" for many people.

Go to the International School to perform Beijing Opera

The Dingdian family is from Huizhou, Guangdong Province. Both she and her husband, Wu Tao, like to travel by car. In 2013, when they were driving in Chiang Mai, they met a Thai who was selling his property. Wu Tao immediately decided to buy the property. One year later, they moved to Chiang Mai with their family and sent their children here to attend an international school. Wu Tao's mother, Grandma Fan, followed her son to Chiang Mai, where the fresh air and wide living space made Grandma Fan feel comfortable. As more and more people came to live in Chiang Mai, Grandma Fan directly regarded Chiang Mai as her retirement home. At present, Grandma Fan spends two-thirds of the year in Chiang Mai.

"When I used to work in the company, I often went abroad, traveled to 30 or 40 countries, and liked to meet new things. Therefore, I was not afraid to go anywhere, and came to Chiang Mai to adapt to the life of the children." Compared with the tense and fierce competition in China, Grandma Fan liked the living conditions in Chiang Mai very much. In her opinion, Thai people are very satisfied with life and happy.

Grandma Fan, 74 years old, was a literary and artistic worker before retirement, and later worked in the government's industrial and commercial administration department. After coming to Chiang Mai, she didn't lose her hobby. In 2016, at the invitation of the international school where her grandson and granddaughter studied, Grandma Fan performed the Peking Opera "Mu Guiying Takes Command" and "The Drunken Concubine" on the International Day, won the best performance award and dress award awarded by the school, and was also published by the local Chinese newspapers, which made her very proud.

"There are dozens of students in one class in domestic schools, and there are only a dozen children in one class at most. There are only more than 400 students in international schools for my grandchildren, and there are more than 100 teachers, which means that a teacher only needs to teach four children, which is naturally better than the domestic education environment. My grandson Ding Ding has become more outgoing and polite since he came here. ”Grandma Fan was very pleased to see her grandchildren growing up.

When the children are not around, they basically do not go out

Grandpa Shen from Jiangsu is a neighbor of the Dingdian family. The straight distance between the two families is less than 100 meters, and they visit each other every day. Grandpa Shen and his wife Grandma Zhang were both teachers before retirement. Their son and daughter-in-law worked in Beijing and Shanghai, respectively, and didn't have time to take care of their children. In 2017, when their grandchildren were sent to Chiang Mai to attend the International School, Grandpa Shen and Grandma Zhang undertook the "work" of accompanying them.

Grandfather Shen's grandson went to an international school in Shanghai before, and the annual tuition was nearly 300000 yuan. His son and daughter-in-law decided to transfer their child to Chiang Mai to attend an international school. They rented a garden villa with a monthly rent of 10000 yuan in Chiang Mai. While providing a good living environment for their children, they also let their parents, who have worked hard all their lives, go abroad to enjoy the happiness of Qing Dynasty.

Apart from the children who need to be taken care of after school, the two old people have a lot of leisure time. Grandpa Shen, who likes to touch the nature, has reclaimed a small farmland near his villa and irrigated and cared for it when he was free. When the children were not at home during the day, Grandma Zhang looked after the potted plants in the garden.

Granny Zhang said that after coming to Chiang Mai, her rheumatism symptoms have alleviated a lot. The old couple are in good health. They have been to the hospital twice in Chiang Mai. One of them was Sun Tzu's pneumonia caused by a cold. A Chinese friend of his daughter-in-law took them to a private hospital. The doctor suggested staying in the hospital for one day. "The inpatient department is similar to the hotel. The medical staff are very patient, and there are also staff who can speak Chinese. Finally, they spent 20000 baht, about 4000 yuan. It is not expensive to see a doctor here, but the hospitalization fee is very high." The two old people said that seeing a doctor in Chiang Mai is not as difficult as they thought. Most hospitals have free interpreters.

Because his children are not around and his language is not good, Grandpa Shen seldom goes out. A little farther away, his neighbor Wu Tao drives him. During this time, grandsons and granddaughters went to Europe for vacation, and Grandpa Shen and Grandma Zhang were more relaxed. When the children were away, Grandpa Shen and Grandma Zhang had to walk for ten minutes to the nearest farmer's market to buy vegetables and daily necessities. Each time, they would take their son to exchange the Thai baht in advance, and how much money they should give depends on their mobile calculator and comparison.

Grandma Zhang used to be a Chinese teacher. Every night, she would give her neighbor's son Ding Ding some Chinese lessons. Ding Ding followed his parents to Chiang Mai after graduating from a kindergarten in China. Although he can speak fluent Chinese, his reading and writing abilities are far less than those of domestic children of the same age. In international schools in Chiang Mai, English, mathematics, sports and music are often compulsory courses, while Chinese, French and Japanese are optional courses. Some schools even do not have Chinese courses. Therefore, many Chinese parents will sign up for Chinese remedial classes for their children outside school.

Language barrier is the biggest obstacle

Although the living environment in Chiang Mai is good, many Chinese elderly who come to Chiang Mai find it difficult to adapt. The main reasons are poor language and lack of friends. This is also the biggest worry of Grandpa Fang and Grandma Jiang from Sichuan.

Grandfather Fang's daughter, Ms. Fang, and her son-in-law, Guo Ming, used to work in Beijing. Two years ago, because he hated smog, Guo Ming decided to move to Chiang Mai with his family to provide his son "Tudou" with a more international education environment and a healthier growth environment. Two old people who had never been abroad also came to Chiang Mai. At present, Grandpa Fang and Grandma Jiang come to Chiang Mai every winter to get together with their daughter's family, so as to escape the cold and humid weather in Sichuan.

Grandma Jiang likes the living environment in Chiang Mai. She didn't expect the pace of life here to be slower than that in her hometown. However, due to the language barrier, the two old people could not go shopping on their own, and life was not as convenient as in their hometown of Sichuan. In addition, it is difficult for them to find elderly friends who can chat here. In her hometown, there are many relatives and friends near her home. Grandma Jiang can visit her home at any time.

After two years of communication, Guo Ming received his 81 year old mother to Chiang Mai Life in 2017. Guo Ming said that the elderly in China are generally very traditional and have a strong sense of returning to their roots. "Many friends have talked to me about taking the elderly to Chiang Mai to provide for the elderly, but the elderly do not agree to what to do? I suggest that they take it easy. The elderly are used to living in China, and they are unwilling to speak out. The houses here are in the suburbs, so it is inconvenient to walk around. It's better to let the elderly come here for a few days to feel the atmosphere of life here before making a decision. "

In Guo Ming's view, the main obstacle for Chinese people to provide for the elderly overseas is that many elderly people are difficult to adapt to the new living environment quickly, and the lack of friends abroad will also lead to a strong sense of loneliness. Guo Ming believes that pension and education need to consider different issues, and pension needs to focus on the medical environment. In China, difficulty in seeing a doctor has become a common phenomenon, but private hospitals in Thailand attach great importance to the medical experience of patients, provide almost hotel like services, and are committed to making every patient receive the best treatment, which gives him a reassurance.

Guo Ming said that Chiang Mai's pleasant climate and high-quality medical environment provide a good environment for the elderly to live in their later years, and it will gradually become a development trend to go abroad to provide for the elderly.

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Retirement in Thailand

Photographer: Wu Hao, editor | Wang Wei, Zhao Lulu, Sina Photo Production 2019-04-02 14:01:34

one / thirty-five
  • Ding Dian (second from the right) and her family are from Huizhou, Guangdong. She and her husband, Wu Tao (second from the left), like to travel by car. In 2013, when they were driving in Chiang Mai, they met a Thai who was selling his property. Wu Tao immediately decided to buy the property. One year later, they moved to Chiang Mai with their family and sent their children here to attend an international school. Wu Tao's mother, Grandma Fan (middle), also followed her son to Chiang Mai. At present, Grandma Fan spent two-thirds of the year in Chiang Mai.

  • "When I was at work, I often went abroad, traveled to 30 or 40 countries, and liked to meet new things. So I am not afraid to go anywhere, and I am very comfortable with the life of the children in Chiang Mai." Compared with the fierce competition in China, Grandma Fan prefers the life in Chiang Mai. In her opinion, Thai people are easy to be satisfied with life and enjoy themselves.

  • Grandma Fan, 74 years old, had done literary and artistic work before retirement. After coming to Chiang Mai, she didn't lose her hobby. In 2016, at the invitation of the international school where her grandson and granddaughter studied, Grandma Fan performed the Peking Opera "Mu Guiying Takes Command" and "Drunken Concubine" on the International Day, won the best performance award and dress award awarded by the school, and was also published by the local Chinese newspapers, which made her feel very proud.

  • Although there is a Thai nanny at home, Grandma Fan still likes to cook several Chinese dishes by herself. "The children like to eat my food, porridge, steamed stuffed buns, and Cantonese baked rice... They call them all 'grandma's food'. Every time they eat it, they are very happy, and I am also happy." Only Wu Tao knows a little Thai at home, and Grandma Fan hardly communicates directly with the nanny. The baby sitter also seldom speaks. She works when she comes and leaves when she finishes.

  • Grandpa Shen from Jiangsu is a neighbor of the Dingdian Wutao family in Chiang Mai. The straight distance between the two families is less than 100 meters, and they visit every day. After dinner, Grandpa Shen came to Ding Dian's house to have tea and chat with his host, Wu Tao. Because his children are not around and his language is not good, Grandpa Shen seldom goes out in Chiang Mai, and Wu Tao drives him to places farther away.

  • Grandpa Shen is 74 this year, and Grandma Zhang is 72. The old couple were both teachers before retirement. Previously, my son and daughter-in-law worked in Beijing and Shanghai respectively, and didn't have time to take care of their children. In 2017, when the grandchildren were sent here, Grandpa Shen and his wife Grandma Zhang took on the "job" of accompanying them. His son and daughter-in-law rented them a villa with a garden in Chiang Mai, with a monthly rent of 10000 yuan. Grandfather Shen's grandson studied at an international school in Shanghai before, and the annual tuition is nearly 300000 yuan, while the current international school in Chiang Mai is only 100000 yuan.

  • Apart from the grandchildren who need to be taken care of after school, the two elderly people have a lot of leisure time. Grandpa Shen, who loves nature, cultivated a small farmland near his villa and came to farm whenever he was free. When the children were away, Grandpa Shen and Grandma Zhang had to walk for 10 minutes to the nearest farmer's market to buy vegetables and daily necessities. Every time, the old man would take his son to exchange the Thai baht for them in advance, and the amount of money to be given depended on the mobile calculator and comparison.

  • Grandma Zhang used to be a Chinese teacher. Every night, she would give her neighbor's son Ding Ding some Chinese lessons. Ding Ding followed his parents to Chiang Mai after graduating from a kindergarten in China. Although he can speak fluent Chinese, his reading and writing abilities are far less than those of domestic children of the same age. In international schools in Chiang Mai, English, mathematics, sports and music are often compulsory courses, which are available every day. Chinese, like French and Japanese, is an optional course. Some schools even do not have Chinese courses. Therefore, many Chinese parents will sign up for Chinese remedial classes for their children outside school.

  • During this time, grandsons and granddaughters went to Europe for vacation. Grandpa Shen and Grandma Zhang were more relaxed and came to Tinian's house to play table tennis. The old couple are in good health. They have been to the hospital twice in Chiang Mai. One of them was Sun Tzu's pneumonia caused by a cold. A Chinese friend of his daughter-in-law took them to a private hospital. The doctor suggested staying in the hospital for one day. "The inpatient department is similar to the hotel. The medical staff are very patient, and there are also staff who can speak Chinese. Finally, they spent 20000 baht, about 4000 yuan. It is not expensive to see a doctor in Chiang Mai, but the hospitalization fee is very high." The two old people said that most hospitals in Chiang Mai have free interpreters.

  • Although the living environment in Chiang Mai is good, many Chinese elderly who come to Chiang Mai are still difficult to adapt. The main reasons are poor language and no friends. Therefore, local Chinese often organize activities. During a dinner party for Chinese in Chiang Mai, Grandma Jiang (center) chatted with a Sichuan lady (right) who had just arrived in Chiang Mai in her hometown dialect. This is the third time Grandma Jiang and her wife have come to Chiang Mai. They will stay here for two months each time, especially in winter. Chiang Mai has become the best place to escape from the cold and humid weather in Sichuan.

  • Grandma Jiang and her husband's son, Grandpa Fang (first from left), came to Chiang Mai because her daughter and son-in-law moved their family here. Guo Ming (right), the son-in-law from Beijing, decided to leave Beijing when the smog was most serious, in order to provide a healthy growth environment for his children. As a result, the couple inspected the school while handing over work. After considering for several years, the family finally gave up their stable work and life in Beijing in 2016 and moved to Chiang Mai.

  • Guo Ming figured it out, "The rent of the big house here is only half of that in Beijing, and there is still a lot of living expenses left to rent out the house in Beijing. The price is not high, and the family's life is more than enough." Guo Ming and Ms. Fang live in a community in Chiang Mai, which is located in a high-end golf club. Every day after dinner, they will accompany Grandma Jiang and Grandpa Fang out for a walk, It takes nearly two hours to walk around.

  • Grandfather Fang's grandson "Little Potato" is now in the sixth grade of the International School in Chiang Mai. Before the third grade, "Little Potato" went to a private school in Beijing, and the annual tuition was about 60000 yuan. Now the tuition has become 13 million yuan. There are 15 international schools in Chiang Mai. The tuition varies from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands a year, depending on the teaching quality and the campus environment.

  • Guo Ming's mother, Grandma Feng, is 81 years old this year. At the beginning, Guo Ming and his mother said that they hoped she would come to Chiang Mai to provide for the elderly. Because they were afraid that they could not adapt, their mother did not agree. After two years of communication, Guo Mingcai persuaded his mother to live in Chiang Mai in 2018. The old man didn't want to affect the life of his son and daughter-in-law. He insisted on living alone. Guo Ming rented a villa for her alone where she could drive for a few minutes. Guo Ming's brother also lives in Chiang Mai, not far away. Soon, the two brothers will drive to see their mother.

  • "Elderly people in China generally have a sense of returning to their roots. Many friends asked me what to do if I wanted to take the elderly to Chiang Mai for old-age care, but the elderly did not agree. I suggested that they let the elderly come to play for a few days, feel it, and then make a decision. The old man must not be used to the language when he came here. The houses here are all in the suburbs, and there is basically no public transportation. It is very inconvenient to drive when going out. " In Guo Ming's view, this is the main obstacle for Chinese people to provide for the elderly overseas.

  • After school, Mr. Du went to the International School to pick up his granddaughter, Annie, who made a face for him. Mr. Du's daughter and son-in-law didn't want Annie to have a hard childhood. In 2016, they sent her to Chiang Mai to study in an international school, and the whole family also came to Chiang Mai to settle down.

  • In recent years, the degree of Chiang Mai International School has become increasingly tense. Some schools have begun to raise the threshold for admission. When entering the school, not only children but also parents should be assessed. The assessment content generally includes: English level, whether you agree with the school's educational philosophy, whether you cooperate with the children's education, etc. Mr. Du's daughter (the first from the right) has taught herself English for two years for her children. Now she has no problem communicating with teachers in international schools. Every day, she would drive Annie to school for more than 10 minutes, and pick her up after school in the afternoon.

  • Since his daughter settled in Chiang Mai, Mr. and Mrs. Du have come to Chiang Mai two or three times a year, staying for about two months each time. Mr. Du, 63 this year, was an employee of Sinopec before retiring, and also worked in a school in Chongqing. Mr. Du has his own worries about Anni's going abroad to receive international education since childhood. "We Chinese can't lose Chinese. My granddaughter speaks English at school. Although she speaks Chinese with us at home, her literacy and writing are still a little backward compared with domestic children." Moreover, Mr. Du always thinks that if the children's Chinese is not good, it will be bad for them to return to work in the future.

  • Thai law does not allow foreigners to buy land, but only apartments, which are very popular with Chinese. A Chinese tourist swims in the swimming pool of this hotel style apartment. There are more than 120 small apartment commercial apartments in this community, of which 30% of the owners are Chinese. According to Thai laws, the proportion of foreign owners in residential areas cannot exceed 49%. Guo Ming said that the pleasant climate and high-quality medical services in Chiang Mai have provided a good environment for the elderly in their later years, and it will gradually become a development trend to go abroad to provide for the elderly.


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