The Audit Office of Shanxi Province paid a visit to the old and difficult party members of the audit on July 1 Time: July 12, 2022 Source:

On July 1, the leading group members of the Provincial Audit Office visited 13 veteran audit party members and difficult party members.

Chen Lei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Department, successively came to the home of Zhang Pingfan and Li Linke, retired veteran Party members, to talk cordially with the elderly and their families, inquire about their health and living conditions, send consolation money, and urge the elderly to pay attention to safety and take good care of their health.

Old Party members Dong Tinglin and Ma Yongqing told the delegation led by Jiao Binlong, the Deputy Director of the Department, about their revolutionary career and work experience, and reviewed the history of audit development. Ma Yongqing also presented self compiled books to the comrades who expressed their condolences.

Tong Cuiye, an old party member, placed a national flag on the balcony of his home and expressed his thanks to Nan Chunlin, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Department.

When Sun Xiang, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Department, visited Kang Fuyuan, an old party member, and brought care from the Party Leadership Group of the Department, he also bought milk, drinks, flowers and other gifts at his own expense. Song Shihua, the first level inspector, led a team to visit Comrade Zhang Xingyong, an old party member who was seriously ill, to learn more about her life and physical condition, encourage her to keep a good attitude and face difficulties optimistically and positively. Wang Yinyan, the first level inspector, led the team to express condolences to the Party members who were suffering from diseases and living difficulties.

The consolation team went to the nursing home to pay tribute to the old party member Zhang Zhanchen and the party members who suffered from diseases on the job. (Contributed by the Party Committee of the organ)

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