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Application Introduction

"Probing" is a way for young people to meet. If you can't find your own heartbeat because you are busy working in a small circle, come and explore. Today's slide cards are used to make friends. Left slide means no feeling, right slide means liking, and users can quickly select your favorite person with a flick of their fingers. If the person you like happens to like you, you will instantly match and start a big adventure of exploring each other. Of course, if the match is not successful, you don't have to be discouraged. There are all good looking and funny young people here, and there is always one suitable for you. Come to explore and explore your love journey together. [Product features] Heart beat matching, left slide does not like it, right slide likes it, pairing does not disturb, you can choose by yourself. Nearby, there is no limit to self expression, and there is no pressure to vent. Passing by, the person who knows you is not in the sky, just beside you. Face masked flash chat, soul dialogue 20 words to see each other, a dark adventure. This is detective. There are lovers who make you feel excited and friends who share your interests. Explore the new version 3.0.6 features the intimate small bug fixes to optimize your experience! Explore the new version 3.0.4 features the intimate small bug fixes to optimize your experience! Exploring the new features of 2.9.3 Exploring VIP shocked the launch! [Unlimited number of likes] There is no limit to the number of likes. You can skate at will! [Unlimited number of regrets] The regret function required by everyone's wall crack has finally been launched, because the slide missed the TA? No, no, no more and no more [Geographical location can be switched at will] Geographical location can be switched globally at will! The world is so big, you should explore [5 super likes every day] to tell the other party that you have super liked TA, and the pairing rate will rapidly increase [VIP logo] VIP logo to prove your distinguished identity. We are different~What are we waiting for? Go and update the VIP experience! Explore the new features of 2.9.01 [Explore the target!] Christmas exploration is coming! We will calculate the TA suitable for you according to big data, and automatically pair you on Christmas Eve. Heartbreaking probes can only help you get here! (For registration, please see the new news of "friends circle exploration assistant") Explore the features of the new version 2.8.8. 1. Add the option of whether the friends circle is open to everyone. The friends circle can choose to be visible to everyone or only to matching friends (...). 2. Add a list of provinces in some overseas countries/regions in the home and township column of the personal information page. 3. Carefully fix the bug, Optimize many functions Explore the features of the 2.8.5 new version and close small bug fixes to optimize your experience! Explore the intimate bug fixes of the new version 2.8.4 features to optimize your experience! Exploring The new version of feature exploration has been updated again! [Circle of Friends Optimization] You can slide gracefully and smoothly the [Picture Optimization] picture detail page of the circle of friends list, add the operation of sliding down pictures to close the page; The problem that pictures cannot be cut in some cases has been solved [Login Time Optimization], which speeds up the login speed by 100 times! What are you waiting for! Go to update it! Exploring 2.8.1 new feature program Brother Monkey has made some optimization, let's update it! Close bug repair, optimize your experience! Exploring 2.8.0 program Brother Monkey has made some optimizations, please update it! [Start page optimization] Add a waiting screen at startup to reduce the waiting time~[Optimize push messages] Solve the bugs that can't be seen in push messages [Fix bugs] Fixed various bugs, and since then the bugs are passers-by! Exploring [Picture Clipping Function] Redesigned the picture clipping function, so that you can better clip the picture and make the picture composition more perfect! Show more different you! [Image magnification optimization] During the chat process, click the image magnification process to optimize, so that you can see every clearer detail! [Memory picture size] When previewing pictures around the circle of friends, you will remember the size of the last picture. It is so thoughtful to remember your every little action! Explore 2.7.6 Program Brother Monkey's enlarged move, go to update it! [The circle of friends supports video uploading] Explore the circle of friends and upload videos! You can share your latest videos in the circle of friends, show yourself to your friends in multiple directions, and shorten the distance between you and your friends. It's great! [Can see non friend's circle of friends] When you slide the card, click the data card to see the other party's circle of friends! Learn more about each other through the circle of friends, so that you can find the right Ta more accurately! [Switch of push voice and chat GIF] Both push voice and chat GIF have switches, which can be turned off and on at any time, as you like! It can be said to be super considerate! Every update is the shape of loving you! Go to download the new version to experience! Explore Funny GIF expression pack optimization, and chat will never be monotonous! The bug repair is more stable, and the right slide likes to talk! Exploratory 2.6.2 comprehensively improves the stability and optimizes the foundation performance. Probing 2.4.1 Bug repair Probing 2.3.0 If you always secretly like Ta, you dare not tell! Probing to help you test Ta's intentions Anonymously select the secret love Ta and select each other to pair! Probe 2.2.2 [Anonymous Secret Love Confession] is hot online! If you always secretly like Ta, you dare not tell! Probing to help you test Ta's intentions Anonymously select the secret love Ta and select each other to pair! Exploring 2.2.0 The siege lions not only repaired some minor problems this time, but also increased the place of passing Ta while improving performance~Thank you for your support! I wish you all a lot of matches and good luck! Probe 2.1.1 [Anonymous Confession of Secret Love] is hot! If you always secretly like Ta, you dare not tell! Probing to help you test Ta's intentions Anonymously select the secret love Ta and select each other to pair! It is applicable to those who are secretly in love with their classmates and friends. It is absolutely confidential and can be known at a glance! Exploring 2.0.2 Circle of Friends function is newly launched-- After pairing, look at Ta's circle of friends and get to know your favorite people 360 degrees-- Say goodbye to the dilemma of "not knowing what to talk about", and find topics from Ta's circle of friends-- Too many pairs to attend? Send a circle of friends and maintain the pair. Exploring 2.0 Circle of Friends function is newly launched! [360 degree understanding] After pairing, look at Ta's circle of friends and get to know your favorite people 360 degree! [Chat to find topics] Say goodbye to the dilemma of "not knowing what to talk about", and find topics from Ta's circle of friends. [Maintain Your Pairing] Too many pairs to attend? Send a circle of friends and maintain the pair. Explore 1.8.8 Chinese: further optimize the security of the product English: Security improvements Explore the new features in 1.8.7 * Bug correction and optimize performance improvement and optimization. If you want to give feedback, welcome to harass the little assistant. We will continue to make exploration better. Explore the new features in 3.0.8. Explore has been updated! 1. Optimize the positioning accuracy, and the positioning will be more accurate, which can be said to be zero error, so that you can accurately find the TA you like! 2. What are you waiting for to fix all kinds of bugs? Go to update it quickly~explore the new functions in, explore and launch shocking new functions!! [Check who likes me] You can check who likes you, and without sliding left and right, you can quickly pair with the TA who likes you. This long-awaited feature has finally been launched! [Super exposure] Increase your exposure by 10 times. During the super exposure, more people will see your card. Slightly slide right, and you will find a steady stream of matching! The above two functions plus VIP membership privileges will make you more interesting friends faster! Explore the new features in, close bug fixes, and optimize your experience! Explore the new function stability improvement and error correction in 3.1.3. Explore the new functions in Explore to update! 1. The WeChat login method has been added. You can use WeChat login to explore! Make the login faster and the order removal faster! 2. Bug repair and experience optimization, let's update it! Explore the new function in The diligent exploration has been updated again! 1. The password free login method has been added, which can log in through the mobile phone verification code. The program ape brother really tries his best to save the forgetful you! 2. Other bug fixes and experience optimization, and every bug repaired is in the shape of loving you! What are you waiting for! Go to update it! Explore the new functions in 3.1.6 Explore has been updated again! 1. [Optimize the community atmosphere] Users who have been reasonably reported for many times will be banned from matching, sending messages, sending circles of friends and commenting for 7 days. If you encounter behavior that affects your use experience, please report it in time and make a just blow! Tan Tan is committed to providing everyone with a safe and comfortable community, so that everyone can be more assured and happy to make friends. 2. [Bug repair] Bug repair and experience optimization Let's update it! Probing is also constantly optimizing, hoping to provide better services to everyone! Explore the new functions in 3.1.8 Explore has been updated again! [Student certification] The student certification function is online. The student party can fill in its own school. There will be a unique school logo on the information card on the home page, isn't it cool! [Check who likes my optimization] Check who likes my function optimization. New favorites will have a "New" corner, which is different from historical favorites for your convenience. Everyone, go to update it! Explore the new functions in 3.1.9 Explore has been updated again! [Feedback and suggestions] Add a new feedback and suggestions portal. Welcome to put forward valuable suggestions at any time. Your encouragement is our motivation for progress! [Bug repair] Bug repair and experience optimization Let's update it! Explore the new functions in This update: - Problem repair, optimize product experience;

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