Jiangxi Xintong Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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  • Boom type roadheader pick Boom type roadheader hydraulic system

    Source: Jiangxi Xintong Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd Time: 2024-09-27 11:27:30 [Report]

    The Xintong cantilever roadheader is used to cut the excavation section, and the three bench method is used for construction. According to the tunnel section size and site surrounding rock conditions, combined with the performance of the roadheader, the bench division is determined by practice as follows: the upper bench height is 3.78m, the large width is 10.38m, the bench length is 10-12m, and the excavation footage is 2.0m; The middle step is 2.45m high and 11.28m wide. In order to create space for excavator to pick up ballast and loader to load and discharge ballast, the step length is controlled within 30~35m, and the excavation footage is 2.0m symmetrical on both sides; The cutting height of the lower step is 3.73m. In order to create the traveling space for roadheader and other machinery, the driving footage is 4.0m on one side.

    Compared with drilling and blasting excavation, cutting excavation by roadheader directly avoids huge additional economic costs such as demolition, saves costs related to explosives and detonating tubes, and increases the rental and electricity costs of roadheader. In general, the unit excavation cost has increased, but it is still within the controllable range. At the same time, the construction is safe and reliable, the production time benefit and economic benefit can be fully achieved, and the construction task can be completed safely and quickly, reaching the expected effect. Xintong mechanical cantilever roadheader

    In order to improve construction efficiency, ensure construction safety, effectively control tunnel overbreak, and control construction costs, China Railway introduced the Xintong EBZ200 cantilever tunneling machine, which is the first engineering application of the tunnel tunneling machine in the whole line, taking a positive step for the exploration and practice of mechanized tunnel construction.

    Label: cantilever roadheader, hydraulic system of cantilever roadheader, selection principle of cantilever roadheader, parameters of cantilever roadheader

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  • Jiangxi Xintong Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
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  • 1 day
  • Xintong Machinery
  • cooperative stock enterprise
  • 2002-10-22
  • Rock drilling jumbo series, anchor rod jumbo series, wet spraying machine
  • Jiangxi Pingxiang North Area of High tech Park, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province

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one billion five hundred and sixty-two million eight hundred and seventeen thousand and eighty-four

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Name: Jiangxi Xintong Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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Address: North Area of High tech Park, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province
Main products
Rock drilling jumbo series, anchor rod jumbo series, wet spraying manipulator, mining jumbo series

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