Shanren (Zhejiang) New Material Technology Co., Ltd
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Company Product
  • Sintered silver principle, car gauge, sintered silver

    Source: Shanren (Zhejiang) New Material Technology Co., Ltd Time: 2024-09-27 13:00:16 [Report]

    Sintered silver ecosystem: the main and key thing is to have good sintered silver. SHAREX Shanren New Material has different product solutions such as sintering and welding for the packaging and module assembly of the entire silicon carbide.

    The shear strength of sintered silver AS9386 with nano silver powder used in SHAREX Shanren New Material can reach above 80Mpa. We also have more than 5 years of experience in mass production of sintered silver and low-temperature slurry.

    We have reliable partners in the supply chain. We are just a material supplier. At present, the process, equipment, materials and testing of silicon carbide are generally coordinated. We now have a lot of cooperation with mainstream sintering equipment suppliers; We have also cooperated with the manufacturers of mounters.

    Label: sintered silver, sintered silver, pressured sintered silver, sintered silver principle

Company Information

  • Shanren (Zhejiang) New Material Technology Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
    Individual certified
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    Checked by Tianyan
  • 2 days
  • Shanren New Material
  • cooperative stock enterprise
  • 2016-09-01
  • Sintered silver, nano silver paste, conductive silver glue, conductive oil
  • Zhejiang Jiaxing Baoqun East Road, Yaozhuang Town, Jiashan County, Jiaxing, Zhejiang

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Information classification

  • > Sintered silver paste nano silver paste
  • > Conductive silver paste
  • > Conductive silver glue
  • > High thermal conductivity silver glue
  • > Heterogeneous conductive adhesive
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Name: Shanren (Zhejiang) New Material Technology Co., Ltd
mobile phone: 򈊡򈊣򈊦򈊡򈊡򈊦򈊡򈊦򈊦򈊢򈊨
Address: Second Floor, No. 159-2, Baoqun East Road, Yaozhuang Town, Jiashan County, Jiaxing, Zhejiang
Main products
Sintered silver, nano silver paste, conductive silver glue, conductive ink

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