Jiuzheng Building Materials Network

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The company was founded in 1998 (formerly Shanghai Special Paint Decoration Co., Ltd.). The company can provide designers, decoration companies and owners with more * * design solutions to make the finishing point for your design. It is a professional manufacturer of special painting. Its artistic paints include gold silver platinum paint, rock rock paint, malay paint, imitation sandstone, relief paint, diatom mud, wall clothing, crack paint, wall art paint, stone like paint, texture paint, imitation marble, slate paint and other artistic painting projects. Art paint is mainly used for painting construction. Its products range from paint wholesale, paint, engineering, decoration engineering, special coatings, etc. The special art coating paint is mainly applicable to various entertainment places such as hotels, guesthouses, nightclubs, bathhouses, villas, home decoration, senior office buildings, etc.
The company boldly develops families

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Yongqiang Art Painting
Address: Shanghai Technical Support: Chengdu Jiuzheng Technology