Tea Wonderful Uses Encyclopedia of Tea Wonderful Uses
Time: 2023-09-09 15:45:55    Source: internet   
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1. Tea contains tea polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects and can prevent skin aging. Tea can also resist radiation, especially for women who use computers for a long time. It can inhibit skin pigmentation and reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions. In addition, the tannin effect of tea can alleviate dry skin, which is also very suitable for children suffering from eczema.

2. Among tea leaves, green tea is the most abundant in tea polyphenols. Therefore, you may as well wash your face with green tea water frequently. Washing and bathing with tea and tea can reduce the occurrence of skin diseases and make the skin shiny, smooth and soft. Apply gauze dipped in tea to the black circles around the eyes, 1-2 times a day, 20-30 minutes each time, to eliminate the black circles around the eyes. Washing hands and feet with tea residue can prevent chaps, eczema, itching and reduce foot odor.

3. Don't forget to wash your face again with clean water after washing your face with tea. Before going to bed the previous night, boil a kettle of boiled water. When it feels slightly cool, put a handful of tea leaves in the kettle. Wash your face with this water the next morning. Pour a pot of water into the basin, including tea and water. You can use this water to wash your face for the first time, and then repeatedly use water to wash for half a minute, and then use facial cleanser to wash your face. Needless to say, wash your face in your usual way, and then use tea to wash the foam down. Then wash your face with warm water for a second time.

4. Using tea water to wash your face can make your skin shiny, smooth and more elastic, especially overnight tea, which can not be drunk, can be used to wash your face.

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