CSRC will improve the quality of accounting information disclosure in the capital market
Time: 2023-09-09 07:25:34    Source: Securities Times   
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Securities Times reporter Cheng Dan

On September 8, the CSRC issued the Accounting Supervision Report on the 2022 Annual Financial Report of Listed Companies. The CSRC said that it would sort out the clues of the problems found in the review of listed companies, follow up in a timely manner and carry out follow-up supervision and treatment as required. Intermediaries such as listed companies and accounting firms should attach great importance to the problems raised in the accounting supervision report, do a good job in financial information disclosure of listed companies, and constantly improve the quality of accounting information disclosure in the capital market.

As of April 30, 2023, in addition to six companies such as ST Modern, a total of 5158 listed companies in the A-share market have disclosed their 2022 annual reports, including 3195 mainboards, 1255 GEM, 517 science and technology innovation boards, 191 Beijing Stock Exchange, 4111 of which have made profits and 1047 of which have suffered losses. Among the listed companies that have disclosed their annual reports on schedule, 235 companies have been issued audit reports with non-standard audit opinions, of which 37 are unable to express opinions, 94 have qualified opinions, and 104 have unqualified opinions with explanatory notes.

The CSRC reviewed the 2022 annual financial reports of listed companies by sampling, and formed the Report on this basis. In general, listed companies can better implement the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the rules of financial information disclosure, but there are still some listed companies with accounting treatment errors or financial information disclosure problems in terms of income, long-term equity investment and business merger, financial instruments, asset impairment, non recurring gains and losses, etc.

In response to the above problems, the CSRC said that the next step would be to continue to do a good job in four aspects. The first is to sort out the clues to the problems of listed companies found in the review, follow up in a timely manner and carry out subsequent regulatory treatment according to regulations. Second, on the typical problems found in the supervision work, the annual financial information disclosure supervision coordination meeting was organized to unify the regulatory caliber. Third, continue to strengthen practical guidance in the form of case analysis and improve the consistency and effectiveness of the implementation of accounting standards for enterprises and financial information disclosure rules. Fourth, closely follow up the hot and difficult accounting issues in the market, strengthen investigation and research, and strengthen professional technical support.

The CSRC pointed out that listed companies and accounting firms and other intermediaries should attach great importance to the problems raised in accounting regulatory reports, constantly improve their understanding and application of accounting standards for enterprises and financial information disclosure rules, find and correct errors in financial reports in a timely manner, and do a good job in financial information disclosure of listed companies, Constantly improve the quality of accounting information disclosure in the capital market.

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