Forbidden catalogue ⑧: vaguely full of welfare, painting style is super top, black silk is forever god!
Time: 2023-09-08 13:09:55    Source: Bili Bili   
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Audience friends, good duck!

Today, Ziwen wants to introduce to you the animated work of the painter よむ, whom Ziwen likes very much.

The most common work of Duan Duan is "The Vision of Silk Stockings". Ziwen has introduced the painting style of flesh. The looming welfare really makes me call myself a good guy,

(Data map)

"Come on! Same period sauce" is essentially a work of looking at the harem, although the hero never shows his face.

Even the audience could not judge his appearance, but around him, there were many competitions among several heroines

When she worked in the same company, she had a good opinion of her colleague, Yin Jun, but she was too timid to speak out because of various accidents.

Both of them experienced various events in the process of work, but the dull contemporaneous Jun was still unaware of her intentions.

Not only that, at this time, younger generation sauce is also eyeing, she actively launched an attack on the same king, constantly waiting for opportunities to intervene between the two.

Younger generation sauce, with gentle temperament, is always a smiling girl. And the younger generation of the same department at the same time. There are powerful and huge things that attract men, and many male employees are targeted. They are regarded as love enemies in the same period.

I also met the elder generation of the same period Jun in the customer company, and the relationship became more complicated

The senior sauce is a woman with mature femininity. He is a senior in Jun's college days, and now he is a staff member of the client company. Free and unrestrained, like drinking. They are regarded as love enemies in the same period.

In the first episode of the animation, when the male host and Yoshimaru were on a business trip, Yoshimaru used his own caution to create a wrong hotel, so that they had no choice but to live together.

However, the male masters are confused with the customs, which disappoints some of them. It is in this style that they tell their love stories one episode at a time.

In May this year, I updated the final words of the contemporary sauce on Twitter, and announced the end of the story of this cartoon with thanks to readers.

At the same time, Masai and the hero who finally showed his true face talked to each other, and their love relationship was basically confirmed.

In the end, the younger generation who had been involved in the relationship between the two left behind a "bad woman" who said, "Ah... I am the kind of person who wants more from others...".

With the expression of surprise, the story of the serial comic came to an end.

The painter is really excellent. Each character is designed to meet the identity and is also very durable. The benefits updated online in Japan are short, except for the plump Monday by Murakami.

They are the two, and they often produce works together.

Painter よむむむむむむむむよむむむむむむむむむよむむむむむむむむ.

"Come on!" is more story telling than "Stockings Vision". There is a main line, but because the cartoon only drew 13 words when animated, the animation story is very simple.

Another extreme aspect of animation is that an episode has only 6 minutes, but ED takes up almost 2 minutes!! You said that it is impossible to draw cartoons, but animation production is biased towards industrial saccharin, and the various caution mechanisms of the sauce at the same time are very sweet!

Another question for you is: Which do you prefer, socks or dairy?

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