What is the absorption of sulfur dioxide? What is the role of sulfur dioxide in wine?
Time: 11:40:48, July 7, 2023    Source: Bee net   
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What is the absorption of sulfur dioxide?

Generally, alkali solution is the most suitable way to absorb sulfur dioxide. The ion reaction formula is as follows: SO2+2OH -=SO32 -+H2O, which is essentially the reaction of sulfur dioxide and hydroxide ions to generate sulfite ions and water. For example, sulfur dioxide reacts with sodium hydroxide solution to obtain sodium sulfite and water.

What is the role of sulfur dioxide in wine?

The function of sulfur dioxide in wine is to resist oxidation and kill bacteria. During fermentation, sulfur dioxide can kill or inhibit harmful bacteria, inhibit oxidase and thus play an antioxidant role. It can also clarify and add acidity to wine.