How many stars of Wise Choice Holiday Hotel

2018-03-30 09:23:11   Source: Wise Choice Holiday Inn   7814 people participated
  • Business Scope: Hotel
  • Number of stores: 3000
  • Single store investment: 100~200 ten thousand
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With the development of modern tourism industry, the hotel industry related to the quality of travel has also received a qualified opportunity for development. Many hotel brands have expanded rapidly, and Holiday Inn Smart Select is one of them. Wise Choice Holiday Inn is one of the branches of a famous holiday hotel. It has a good reputation and performance in our beverage store industry, which has aroused the interest of many smart choices. In terms of hotel industry classification, How many stars of Wise Choice Holiday Hotel What about?

 Wise Choice Holiday Inn

Before introducing the stars of Wise Choice Holiday Inn, we need to understand the brand itself. As a big brand of Intercontinental Hotel Group, Holiday Inn Wise Choice is one of the international best service hotel brands that entered China very early. At that time, choosing to enter the market was a very forward-looking decision for the whole brand team. The fact showed that people's strong consumption ability really laid a qualified foundation for the better development of the brand.

In addition, we have to mention that the hotel group Intercontinental Hotel Group affiliated to Wisdom Select Holiday Inn is an enterprise at home and abroad. It has five hotel brands, and the number of chain hotels around the world exceeds With more than 5000 hotels and more than 750000 guest rooms, it is an internationally influential hotel group with strong strength.

 Wise Choice Holiday Inn

As for the question of how many stars of Holiday Inn are chosen wisely, IHG has already made a final conclusion. From the perspective of hotel service category and hotel environment, Wise Choice Holiday Inn is a mid-range select service hotel brand positioned between a four-star year-round service hotel and an economic hotel. In such a hotel classification, Wise Choice Holiday Inn can provide unimaginable high-quality and multi-functional hotel services for many business elites and leisure people who love traveling. This is also the reason why Smart Select Holiday Inn has been able to gain a foothold in the hotel market and become widely loved for many years. Zhixuan Holiday Inn believes that the star level of the hotel does not mean everything. It does not mean that the higher the star level is, the better the hotel service will be. Sometimes the service quality of hotels with high cost performance ratio is more popular. In the future, Wise Choice Holiday Inn will serve consumers with a more sincere attitude and higher standards of hotel service requirements, so as to make the brand develop more long-term.

That's right The question "How many stars do you want to choose Holiday Inn" has been answered. I wonder if you have found the answer you want above? Wise Choice Holiday Inn is not the highest star, but has always been demanding the highest standards, so after more than 10 years of entering the market, it has successfully opened more than 60 hotels in more than 30 provinces and cities across the country, and there are more than 60 hotels under construction. Now, Smart Choice Holiday Inn has become the leading brand in China's mid-range hotel industry.

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