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2022 Hanzhong Xixiang County Special Post Teacher Recruitment Comprehensive Score and Physical Examination Review Announcement

The written examination and interview for the recruitment of special post teachers in Xixiang County in 2022 have been completed. According to the requirements of Shaanxi Province and Hanzhong City on the recruitment of special post teachers in 2022, the comprehensive results of the recruitment of special post teachers in Xixiang County in 2022, the list of personnel entering the physical examination review and the related matters of the physical examination review are announced.

1、 Physical examination reexamination personnel

The personnel participating in the physical examination review are those who are marked with "Yes" in the column of "Whether to enter the physical examination review" in the List of Special Post Teachers Recruited in Xixiang County in 2022 and Personnel Entering the Physical Examination Review ".

2、 Time and place of physical examination

1. Time of physical examination: 8:00 a.m. - 16:00 a.m. on August 17, 2022.

2. Place of physical examination: Xixiang County Physical Examination Center (opposite to the Education and Sports Bureau of Xixiang County)

3、 Physical examination standards and expenses

1. The physical examination standards and items shall be implemented in accordance with the Notice on Doing Well the Physical Examination for the Accreditation of Teachers in Shaanxi Province (SJ [2019] No. 61) issued by Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education and Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission.

2. The physical examination fee shall be paid by the applicants themselves and collected by the hospital that organized the physical examination.

4、 Qualification review requirements

1. Candidates who take part in the physical examination will submit the original and photocopy of the electronic registration and filing form for academic credentials of the Ministry of Education printed by their ID cards, graduation certificates, academic degree cards, teacher qualification cards, registration cards and "Xuexin Network" on August 17 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

2. By 5:30 p.m. on August 17, 2022, failure to participate in physical examination and provide reexamination materials will be treated as automatic waiver of employment qualification.

5、 Precautions

1. Candidates who participate in the physical examination must arrive at the designated place on time to participate in the physical examination and submit qualification review materials. Those who fail to do so within the time limit will be deemed to have waived their rights and will be held responsible.

2. Candidates who take part in the physical examination should bring their own ID card and written examination permit.

3. The day before the physical examination, pay attention to rest, do not drink, and avoid strenuous exercise. The examinees are forbidden to eat and drink in the morning of the physical examination, and keep an empty stomach. Girls are not allowed to wear dresses.

4. Candidates shall obey the arrangement of the staff and shall not leave until the physical examination is completed; Parents or relatives and friends are not allowed to accompany during the physical examination.

5. Please check the traffic routes in advance, arrange the travel time properly, arrive at the physical examination place on time, and pay attention to safety.

6. The examinee shall not alter or change the medical examination form without authorization, and shall not allow others to take part in the medical examination under the false name. Once verified, the employment qualification will be cancelled.

7. All candidates for physical examination are requested to keep their phones open. The hospital will inform the examinees of the unqualified items in time. If the examinee has any doubt, he/she can recheck. The re examination results must be jointly signed and confirmed by the hospital, medical examiners and supervisors.

6、 Re examination and additional physical examination.

Candidates who enter the physical examination must participate in the qualification physical examination and reexamination within the specified time. Candidates who really live outside the province due to heavy rain or other bad weather can apply to the Xixiang Special Post Office for an extension of registration for physical examination. If they fail to do so, they will be deemed to have given up automatically. If the examinee gives up the reexamination of physical examination, he/she will be added according to the relevant provisions of the Notice on Recruitment of Special Post Teachers in Xixiang County in 2022. The special post office of our county only uses the fixed line telephone (0916-6323421) to notify the additional entrants themselves. Candidates must ensure that their contact telephone number provided at the time of registration is unblocked, so that they can contact themselves in case of additional registration. The examinee shall be responsible for the consequences of being unable to contact the examinee due to the wrong telephone number, shutdown, failure to answer, etc.

7、 Result publicity

The physical examination results and the proposed list will be publicized in Shaanxi Special Post System.

Tel: 0916 -- 6323421

enclosure: List of special post teachers recruited for physical examination review in Xixiang County in 2022.xlsx

Xixiang County Special Post Office

August 5, 2022

Original title: Xixiang County 2022 special post teacher recruitment comprehensive results and physical examination review announcement


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