Promote the development and upgrading of emergency industry The first Yangtze River Delta International Emergency Expo will be held next month

11:16, April 12, 2021 Source: Shangguan
Original title: Promote the development and upgrading of emergency industry The first Yangtze River Delta International Emergency Expo will be held next month

The first Yangtze River Delta International Emergency Disaster Reduction and Rescue Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Yangtze River Delta International Emergency Expo") will be held in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) from May 7 to May 9. At the press conference on the coordinated development of integrated emergency management in the Yangtze River Delta recently, the mascot of the Expo, "Aid", was unveiled for the first time.

According to reports, "Aid" stands out from 278 mascot works across the country. It takes the intelligent, peaceful and friendly "dolphin" as the design prototype, with a red warning light overhead, highlighting the spirit of courage, resourcefulness and fearlessness of danger advocated by the emergency culture. The mascot is named "Yuanyuan", which means support and assistance. It is homophonic to "Yuanyuan", and also has the beautiful meaning of completeness and reunion.

Holding the Yangtze River Delta International Emergency Exposition is a specific practice of the Yangtze River Delta region in implementing the national Yangtze River Delta integration strategy, and is also one of the important activities of the Yangtze River Delta region after the national emergency management reform. It has been included in the eight mechanisms for coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta emergency management. The Expo aims to promote the development and upgrading of the emergency industry in the Yangtze River Delta, serve the national "double cycle" strategy, and strengthen exhibitions, experiences and exchanges in the construction of the government emergency management system, emergency relief technical equipment, emergency relief materials supply, emergency communication and command, transportation and logistics, special equipment, public awareness of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, and emergency culture education.

Gui Yucai, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, said that the first Yangtze River Delta International Emergency Exposition, with the theme of "emergency disaster prevention and mitigation, and escort of economic and social development in the new era", adopted a combination of offline physical exhibition and cloud exhibition, with an expected exhibition area of 52000 square meters and about 60000 visitors.

The Expo has six exhibition areas, including emergency disaster prevention and mitigation exhibition area, emergency rescue equipment exhibition area, safety protection product exhibition area, emergency industry service exhibition area, emergency science popularization experience exhibition area, and Yangtze River Delta emergency management achievement exhibition area, with more than 300 representative exhibitors and units. Among the exhibitors are a large number of "Chinese" enterprise groups such as AVIC, China Shipbuilding Industry and CETC, emerging "unicorn" enterprises such as Huawei Technology and Shangtang Technology, local enterprises such as Shanghai Jianke, Tunneling Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Urban Investment Corporation, as well as industry representative enterprises such as Qinshan Nuclear Power, Zhengzhou Yutong, Tongji Urban Risk Research Institute, etc.

In addition, a group of water area emergency forces led by China Maritime Search and Rescue Center and Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration will focus on demonstrating the results of water area safety emergency and future planning. Considering that the Yangtze River Delta is close to the sea, with dense river networks and heavy water emergency rescue tasks, the Expo also has a special exhibition area with the theme of water emergency rescue.

(Editor in charge: Yan Yuan, Xuan Zhaoqiang)
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