Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Center organizes teachers and students to conduct fire safety training

On June 4, Professor Zhou Yaodong, Vice President of the School of Economics and Management, led a group of teachers and students from the Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Center to the Fire Safety Experience Center of the School Security Office for a lively fire safety knowledge training.

The training is mainly divided into three parts: In the first part, the fire department teacher introduced various common fire signs. In the second part, we watched the demonstration of building fire automatic alarm spraying. Combined with the steps of the demonstration, teachers and students mastered the whole process of starting and running of facilities such as building and indoor alarm in the early stage of fire. In addition, the teacher of the fire department focused on the calm response when encountering a fire. First, he should give an alarm and press the "fire alarm button". Second, he should correctly use all kinds of fire-fighting equipment to put out the initial fire; Finally, escape safely as soon as possible, do a good job of smoke prevention, do not take the elevator, do not be attached to property. In the third part, teachers and students experienced the practical drills of simulated fire fighting on various fire scenes.

The training content is closely related to the laboratory's field environment. With the help of display board materials, micro scene demonstration and simulated interactive experience, it not only popularized fire safety knowledge, enhanced fire prevention awareness, but also effectively improved teachers and students' emergency and self rescue ability in the face of fire danger. Everyone said that this intuitive and in-depth training experience left a deep impression on the participants. It will play a strong role in promoting the safety inspection of the laboratory in the future.