Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Platform for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management in the Centennial Party History

Experiment name: Virtual Simulation Experiment of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management in the Centennial Party History

Course of the experiment:

Undergraduate: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management

Graduate student: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management

Teacher team: Liu Yingqi, Guo Ming, Zhang Xinying, Yan Changli, Wang Changjiang, Wang Nan, Wei Wei, Chen Xiuping

Experiment introduction:

Using 3D simulation, animation, human-computer interaction and other information technologies, we independently developed the virtual simulation experiment of the entrepreneurial history of the Communist Party of China. The experiment is based on the talent training goal of economic management majors and the teaching goal of innovation and entrepreneurship courses, adheres to the experimental teaching concept of "student center, practice orientation, and ideological and political integration", and mainly demonstrates the course from four aspects: "re walking the Long March, establishing border area banks, winning the Menglianggu campaign, and creating Changchun First Automobile". Through the study of four historical events, students can better understand how to analyze opportunities, resources and teams in the process of entrepreneurship, and further study the importance of how to achieve entrepreneurial goals through the interaction between the three.

System link:

Introduction video

Boot video