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The fourth round of discipline evaluation index system
2016-08-03 09:37 Source: School of Economics and Management three hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred and forty-five

Discipline evaluation is based on the national two thousand and eleven The Catalogue of Disciplines for Degree Granting and Talent Cultivation (hereinafter referred to as the Catalogue of Disciplines) issued in carries out the overall level assessment (hereinafter referred to as the discipline assessment) of the first level disciplines with the right to grant doctoral or master's degrees. Degree Center in two thousand and fourteen The fourth round of discipline evaluation program and indicator system improvement was launched in. On the basis of in-depth research and extensive research, colleges and universities across the country have basically reached a consensus on the improvement of the new round of evaluation, and formed the fourth round of discipline evaluation index system. It is explained as follows:

1、 Indicator system Research and demonstration process

After the release of the results of the third round of discipline evaluation, the Academic Degrees Center carefully implemented the relevant As instructed by leaders, extensive and in-depth research and demonstration work was carried out.

The first is to entrust the project to carry out research. Degree Center two thousand and thirteen In, the "China Academic Degree and Graduate Education Association" was funded to set up a key project of "Research on Discipline Evaluation Indicator System" to carry out special research. On the basis of the special research results, by drawing on the experience of foreign discipline evaluation, combining with the spirit of comprehensive reform of graduate education in China, and following the discipline development law, the Outline of the Fourth Round of Research on Discipline Evaluation Index System Reform was formed.

Second, extensive and in-depth front-line research. Successively in sixteen Provinces, cities and regions eighteen Field discipline evaluation index system survey meeting, attended by universities two hundred The rest (including nine hundred and eighty-five Universities two hundred and eleven Colleges and universities, local colleges and universities, military colleges and research institutions, involving comprehensive, science and engineering, teachers' colleges, arts, sports and other types of colleges and universities ), involving eight hundred More than university representatives and forty More than representatives from provincial and municipal education departments, Relevant opinions and suggestions were widely solicited.

Third, focus on special research. Special seminars were held on outstanding medical indicators, artistic indicators, agricultural and forestry indicators, national defense indicators, graduate quality indicators, teacher evaluation indicators, etc one hundred Opinions and suggestions of many experts.

Fourth, research on improvement of evaluation methods. With Thomson Reuters, CNKI CSCD CSSCI And other institutions to discuss and improve the evaluation method of papers; Conduct comprehensive research and voting for more than ten thousand doctoral tutors and relevant discipline review teams nationwide, and form“ A

Class journals "; Learn from the experience of foreign discipline evaluation, discuss and discuss the evaluation methods of the contribution of disciplines to social services; For the whole country four hundred Many colleges and universities have conducted two rounds of questionnaires, and formed new "binding evaluation rules" according to the opinions of most units.

Fifth, earnestly absorb the opinions of representatives and members of the National "Two Sessions". We carefully sorted out, studied and absorbed the opinions or suggestions of the members and representatives of this year's National "Two Sessions" on the construction and evaluation of first-class disciplines.

2、 Consensus on improvement of indicator system

Through investigation, all units generally recognized the basic framework of the third round of discipline evaluation index system, and suggested further adhering to the concept of "quality, effectiveness, characteristics, classification" to improve and innovate the fourth round of evaluation system. The following consensus was reached:

one Pay more attention to quality. Put "talent training quality" in the first place, and build a three-dimensional talent training quality evaluation model of "training process quality", "student quality" and "graduate quality". This paper attempts to introduce the survey of current students and employers to more comprehensively examine the quality of students in school and the quality of their career development after graduation. At the same time, we should properly handle the relationship between scale and quality, and more scientifically evaluate the level and structural quality of teacher teams. Change the previous single evaluation method of teaching staff "evaluating academic level by academic title", and focus on the comprehensive evaluation of the level, structure, internationalization and sustainable development ability of "representative backbone teachers".

two Highlight the construction achievements. As a level assessment, it is necessary to emphasize the development achievements, outputs and effects of the discipline connotation, appropriately downplay the "conditional resources" factor, learn from the experience of discipline effectiveness evaluation at home and abroad, focus on structural quality, and more accurately evaluate discipline construction

results. Focus on optimizing the evaluation of scientific research achievements, overcome the defects of "pure objective" evaluation, and adhere to the evaluation method of academic papers that combines "subjective and objective, domestic and foreign, scale and quality"; Establish a more scientific "Chinese version" ESI "Highly cited papers" and the humanities and social sciences“ A "Quasi journals" evaluation system to establish the international status of Chinese paper evaluation; Adhere to the "attribution" method, scientifically evaluate "interdisciplinary achievements", encourage interdisciplinary cooperation, encourage coordinated development, and promote the production of high-level achievements.

three Highlight the discipline characteristics. Highlight the characteristic development and social contribution of the discipline, reflect the achievements of discipline construction in different regions and units at different levels through the evaluation of "representative cases" of the social contribution of the discipline, overcome the tendency of "homogenization", and encourage colleges and universities to adhere to the characteristic development according to their own positioning.

four Strengthen classified guidance. According to the characteristics of each discipline, taking into account the generality and individuality, the index system is classified and set up under a unified framework. On the basis of the third round of discipline evaluation, we will further refine and classify the settings by discipline category, separate humanities and social sciences, science and engineering from agronomy and medicine, and the indicator system will be changed from the previous seven Class expands to nine Class, further strengthen classification guidance.

3、 Brief description of indicator system

According to the consensus formed by the survey, the indicator system should be improved and perfected. The improvement principles are: first, it should meet the requirements of relevant documents such as the spirit of comprehensive reform of graduate education and the construction of first-class disciplines; Second, it conforms to the design concept of "quality, effectiveness, characteristics and classification" indicator system formed by the research institute; Third, the specific improvement projects comply with the opinions of most universities and expert groups. In general, the evaluation system maintains the four primary indicator frameworks of "faculty and resources", "talent training quality", "scientific research level" and "social service and discipline reputation". Key indicators are as follows:

(1) Teaching staff and resources

"Teaching staff and resources" includes teaching staff and support platform, which belongs to the "conditional resources" indicator. According to the concept of "highlighting the construction effect and weakening the conditional resources", experts will be advised to appropriately reduce the weight of this part of indicators.

one "Teacher quality" It not only examines the overall quality of the discipline faculty, but also examines the structural quality of the faculty. Adopt the method of "representative backbone teachers" to evaluate the level of the teaching staff, and overcome the one-sided nature of the single "academic title evaluation of academic level"; At the same time, the "young talents" will be evaluated separately to investigate the sustainable development ability of the talent team; By means of subjective evaluation, experts examine the level, structure and internationalization of the teaching staff as a whole.

two "Number of full-time teachers" It mainly reflects the adequacy of teachers, but in the specific evaluation, the upper limit is set (those who reach the upper limit are regarded as the same scale) To overcome the quantitative tendency.

three "Support platform" It is an important reflection of the strength of the discipline and belongs to the "accumulated quality" of the discipline Science and engineering and other disciplines will continue to use the platform of the state key laboratory; According to experts' opinions, the humanities and social sciences are no longer listed separately as the base and other indicators, but can be reflected in the discipline reputation at the same time.

(2) Talent training quality

Talent training is the core task of colleges and universities. This round of discipline evaluation has established a three-dimensional evaluation model of "quality of training process", "quality of students at school" and "quality of graduates" to comprehensively evaluate the quality of talent training, and experts are suggested to properly increase the weight of this part of the indicators.

one "Quality of cultivation process" It mainly includes three aspects: "curriculum teaching quality", "tutor guidance quality" and "international exchange of students". Among them, "Instructor guidance quality" evaluates the quality of tutors training graduate students through questionnaire survey of students at school, and strengthens the cultivation responsibility and ability of tutors.

two "Quality of students at school" It mainly includes two aspects: "thesis quality" and "outstanding students". Among them, "Excellent students at school" is a subjective evaluation index, which examines the outstanding performance of students at school.

three "Graduate quality" It mainly includes "outstanding graduates" and "employer evaluation". Reflect the quality of graduates in this discipline with the career development of "representative outstanding graduates", and promote the feedback mechanism of units to pay attention to talent cultivation; It is the first time to carry out a pilot survey of employers, reflecting the social recognition and fit of students trained by colleges and universities, and expanding the voice of student quality evaluation to "outside the system"

(3) Scientific research level

Under the "scientific research level", there are three indicators of "scientific research achievements", "scientific research awards" and "scientific research projects". In addition, the indicators of "creative performance" and "architectural design" are set in disciplines with strong applicability such as art and architecture to reflect the characteristics of the discipline.

one "Quality of academic papers" The evaluation combination of "three combinations" is adopted. First, adhere to the combination of quality and quantity, use representative papers, and find a balance between "comparing the total amount" and "comparing the per capita amount"; The second is to adhere to the combination of subjectivity and objectivity, and through statistics, "China version" ESI High cited papers " (natural science discipline) or“ A "Quasi periodical papers" (humanities and social sciences), and subjective evaluation by experts through "representative papers"; Third, adhere to the combination of domestic and foreign, and require the number of representative papers and“ A A certain proportion of Chinese periodicals should be included in "quasi periodical papers".

two "Publication of works or textbooks" For the first time in China, textbook compilation was included in scientific research achievements, mainly to implement the Ministry of Education's opinion on strengthening textbook construction, encourage teachers to actively participate in high-quality textbook compilation, and promote the quality improvement of discipline infrastructure.

(4) Social Service and Discipline Reputation

"Social Service and Discipline Reputation" Emphasizes the Characteristics of Disciplines Contribution, which is divided into two indicators of "social service contribution" and "discipline reputation", reflects the social service function, contribution and social impact of the discipline.

one "Social service contribution" Each discipline provides several "typical cases" that contribute to social and economic construction example ”Reflect the contribution of different regions and types of colleges and universities to social and economic construction, overcome the "one ruler" evaluation method, and avoid "homogenization"

two "Discipline reputation" Including academic reputation and academic ethics. The experts evaluated the academic influence and academic ethics of the discipline with reference to the Discipline Introduction. In terms of expert composition, the proportion of experts from industry enterprises will be appropriately increased, and overseas experts will be introduced to pilot some disciplines of science and engineering to evaluate the international reputation of disciplines.