Scientific research progress


      1. Scientific research projects   

In 2022, the college will add 176 scientific research projects of various types, with a total contract fund of 68.963 million yuan. 14 NSFC projects were approved, including 7 general projects, 6 youth science fund projects, and 1 high-speed railway joint fund (key category); Four projects of the National Social Science Fund were approved, including one key project and three general projects; Two national key research and development projects were approved; One national talent plan project was approved.


       2. Scientific research awards and honors

In 2022, our teachers won five national first level association awards.


      3. Scientific research achievements

In 2022, a breakthrough will be achieved in high-level academic papers, and multiple expert suggestions will be submitted. In 2022, 201 SCI/SSCI papers will be retrieved, and the number of SCI/SSCI papers will reach a new historical high; EI retrieved 82 journal papers; 3 highly cited papers of ESI; Published 56 papers in CSSCI journals; Published 13 monographs.

In 2022, in terms of policy recommendations, one expert proposal was adopted by the Counsellor's Office of the State Council and received instructions from leaders; Two expert suggestions were selected into the Beijing Traffic Decision Reference issued by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, and one of them was approved by leaders; One expert suggestion was adopted by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the NLD and the Central Women's Committee of the NLD, and received instructions from leaders; One expert suggestion was published as an excerpt of opinions selected into the Beijing Social Science Fund Project "Achievement Report", which was approved by leaders; One expert suggestion was selected into the "Suggestions of the Transport Think Tank" and was approved by leaders; One expert suggestion was adopted by the Reform and Policy Research of the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Transport and received instructions from leaders; Two expert suggestions were adopted by the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference's internal reference "Friends", and one of them was approved by leaders; One expert suggestion was selected into the Beijing Social Science Fund's "Achievement Report"; One expert suggestion was adopted and reported by the Social Science Department of the Ministry of Education for the reference of relevant leaders; One expert suggestion was adopted by the internal journal of the Ministry of Education.

      4. Academic activities
High level academic conferences held include: LISS2022 and IEIS2022 International Academic Annual Conference, the 10th International Conference of "Transport and Space time Economic Forum", the China Management Modernization Research Association Enterprise Merger and Reorganization Sub forum, etc.

In 2022, 16 academic salons will be held. During the anti epidemic period, management and scientific research were in action. The scientific research department of the college launched a series of online and offline lectures, including the non cooperation cooperation game of the closed-loop supply chain of remanufacturing under the deposit return system, the reform and development of railway materials management and future prospects, the introduction of the development of new economic geography and its application in maritime transport: the academic salon themed on the expansion of the Panama Canal, received strong responses from teachers and students of the college.