Career planning

School of Economics and Management and ACCA renewed the ACCA Accelerate cooperation agreement of MPAcc project

Recently, our college and ACCA renewed the ACCA Accelerate cooperation agreement for the MPAcc program. The agreement aims to establish a good long-term cooperative relationship between the MPAcc program of the School of Economics and Management and ACCA, provide more preferential examination policies for the students of the MPAcc program of the School of Economics and Management, and help our school's MPAcc students develop their careers.
Since the signing date, the main preferential policies for our MPAcc students include:

1. Enjoy 9 free entrance exams;

2. You can enjoy the annual fee deduction for the first year;

3. The registration fee is reduced from 79 pounds to 25 pounds;

4. This policy has been changed from passing three Phase P exams in three years to taking at least one Phase P exam in three years.
The School of Economics and Management has strong accounting qualifications and excellent MPAcc students, and is one of the first ACCA Accelerate contracted colleges. ACCA is currently one of the largest and most influential professional accounting organizations in the world, and it is also the fastest growing professional accounting organization leading to internationalization in operation. Through the long-term and in-depth cooperation between the School of Economics and Management and ACCA, I believe that it will further consolidate the international professional knowledge of MPAcc students in our school, and expand a broader professional development prospect for MPAcc students.

1. Registration Guidelines /uploads/file/20170310/20170310125751_43072.pdf
2. Formal reference letter template /uploads/file/20170310/20170310125800_90507.pdf
3. Translation template of ID card /uploads/file/20170310/20170310125807_49154.docx