University of Ljubljana, Slovenia - One semester exchange program for graduate students (autumn semester 2023)

Date of issue: February 23, 2023

In the middle of September 2022, I embarked on the journey of exchange study to Ljubljana University in Slovenia. It is no exaggeration to say that this half year in Europe has reshaped my outlook on life, broadened my outlook on the world, and enriched my life.


During my undergraduate period, I chose to study in a Sino foreign joint training program, obtained a foreign degree, obtained a qualified IELTS score, and had a certain understanding and interest in the European and American higher education system. After seeing the exchange information released by the School of Economics and Management this time, adhering to the idea of "the world is so big, I want to see it", I did not hesitate to submit an application to the International Exchange Center of Economics and Management. Thank you very much for the help of Mr. Chen from the Exchange Center, so that I can go abroad this time when the epidemic situation is still very serious.

The School of Economics of Ljubljana University in Slovenia is also the third crown business school like the School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University. At the same time, Luda is also the best university in Slovenia, which is an important reason for me to choose it. The second reason is that unlike other European countries, Slovenia has good public security. According to the data of the United Nations, Slovenia ranks among the top ten countries in the world in terms of national security. The third reason is that its natural landscape is very good, known as "Little Switzerland". The last reason is that it is conveniently located in the heart of the European continent.

 1.jpg Shot at the foothills of the Alps in Slovenia


This semester I chose three courses, with a total of 21 European credits. The courses here are generally taught by 2-3 teachers. For example, one teacher mainly teaches theory, and the other teacher teaches application. Classes take turns. The exams are written argumentation questions.

The first course is Taxes and Tax Harmonization in the EU. The main content of the course is to introduce how the EU, as an international organization with a high degree of integration, deals with tax cooperation and tax transfer in various countries, focusing on the qualitative, collection logic, transfer logic and specific calculation of VAT. The evaluation method is exam (80%) and final paper Pre (20%). The difficulty of the course is above average. Many foreign students in the EU are also in a fog. Fortunately, the teacher is very careful and can get good scores after understanding the logic and examples. At the end of the course, I gained a better understanding of the tax logic and the cooperation and operation mode of the EU.

 2.jpg Front of Luda School of Economics

The second course is Purchasing Management, which is a specific direction under my major logistics management and engineering. I didn't take this course at Jiaotong University due to credit limit, so I want to make up for it at Lu University. This course focuses on the construction of procurement model, digital transformation and sustainable procurement. The evaluation method is exam (60%), purchase model (20%), and final paper (20%), with medium difficulty. The last two items should have been completed in groups, but I was forced to complete the group work one by one due to the number of people. The main gains came from several professional lectures, which gave me an understanding of the procurement practices of some foreign energy and takeaway companies.

 3.jpg Facade of Luda School of Economics

The third course is Comparative Analysis of Economic and Business System, which mainly compares the economic and business development models in various regions of the world, especially in Europe. The evaluation methods are examination (50%) and open debate (50%). The topic is to compare the education and training systems of Germany and the United States and their impact on economic and innovation performance. This is also the first time that I have used a foreign language to debate in front of foreign teachers and students. It is nervous, but after careful preparation, the results are good. The main achievement is to have a detailed understanding of the operation methods, similarities and differences of the four major economic models in Europe.

 4.jpg Luda School of Economics Atrium Garden

The School of Economics and Management of Luda is located in the north of the city. The teaching building is very new, and green space and the School of Education are next to it. Resources such as the library and study room are also open to exchange students, which can basically meet all the needs of learning.

  5.jpg Inside Luda School of Economics


Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia, with a permanent resident population of 300000, of which students account for 1/6, so the related basic facilities are very good. Prices are below average in Europe. What is worth mentioning is its discount program for students, so that we can enjoy the food and services that others buy at the original price at a restaurant for only 1/4 of the price. The bad point is that because the city is small, it is difficult and expensive to rent a house. At the same time, there are almost no Chinese here (I am the only mainland exchange student in Luda School of Economics this semester), so there is basically no CSL. There are IKEA and large shopping malls in the suburbs, so it is no problem to meet daily life.

 6.jpg Scenery outside the residence

 7.jpg Ljubljana during Christmas

 8.jpg Early winter of castle

The city is a typical European architectural style. The combination of Baroque and Gothic has a very high greening rate, which is very distinctive. There is a medieval castle on the mountain in the center of the old city. It's nice to have a cup of coffee at sunset. Generally speaking, this city is suitable for people who like a quiet and comfortable life.

  9.jpg Share "instant noodles" with foreign roommates


Thanks to the superior geographical location of Ljubljana, it is very convenient to travel. For example, I have basically gone to the representative cities of Western Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe. Northern Europe is mainly due to its unique natural scenery. Western Europe's economy is more developed, and its cities are more prosperous and orderly. Southern Europe is lazy but has a long history, especially the protection of ancient buildings. Eastern Europe, under the influence of the former Soviet Union, combines the local European culture and some Northeast Asian cultures, which is also very interesting.




Milan, Italy


Rome, Italy

Bled Lake


At the end of this article, I would like to express my deep feelings: there are inevitably regrets in life, but studying abroad is the most valuable opportunity to reduce life regrets. I hope you can all embrace a larger world.

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