Undergraduate 2+2 Program

 University of Waterloo, Canada

University of Waterloo, Canada

The University of Waterloo is a medium-sized public university focusing on research, which was founded in 1957. The school is located in Waterloo, in the southwest of Ontario, and is famous for the cooperative education that pays equal attention to learning and practice. In 2016, the University of Waterloo was rated as the first most innovative university and the fourth best comprehensive university in Canada by Maclean's magazine. The university is one of the best universities in North America, and its teaching level of mathematics, computer science and engineering disciplines is among the top in the world.

Selection conditions

Project nature: Bachelor's degree from both sides (2+2 project)

Project duration: two academic years

Target group: junior economics majors

Number of people to be assigned: indefinite

English level: choose one of the following conditions:

(1) CET-4 has passed the English test and interview organized by the University of Waterloo in October every year. Students who have passed the test need to arrive in Waterloo in July to attend a 6-week language class training (the cost of the language class is about CAD 3000)

(2) IELTS ≥ 6.5 (listening and reading ≥ 6.0, writing and speaking ≥ 6.5) or TOEFL ≥ 90 (writing and speaking ≥ 25). Students who meet this direct language admission standard can apply for a 6-week language exemption from July, and can directly access the main course in September.

Payment: self expense, annual tuition+living expenses+other expenses (such as insurance, etc.) about 350000 yuan (subject to adjustment according to the exchange rate)

Selection start time: October (the previous year)

Communication start time: September

Website of exchange school:



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Address of International Exchange Center: Room 509, Siyuan East Building, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University