Student Exchange Program

 University of Texas Dallas

University of Texas Dallas

The University of Texas Dallas University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) is a public research university in the University of Texas system. It is located in Dallas, an important economic town in the south. Founded in 1969, the school is famous for business, computer science, architecture, cognitive science and mathematics. In June 2013, among the 100 most promising universities in the world released by The Times Higher Education, the University of Texas Dallas ranked 15th, while the previous year it ranked 29th in the same list. UTD's business schools ranked 37th in the United States and 23rd in public schools in the 2013 ranking of USNEWS business schools. The number of papers published by professors of business schools in world-renowned journals also ranks among the top in the United States.

Selection conditions

Nature of the project: exchange learning
Project time: one semester
Target group: junior college students
Quota: 2-4 persons/academic year
English level: TOEFL ≥ 80/ibt or IELTS ≥ 6.5
Fee payment: tuition free, other fees paid by oneself
Selection start time: December
Communication start time: August
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Address of International Exchange Center: Room 509, Siyuan East Building, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University