Middle level cadre management skills career training course

Middle level cadre management skills career training course

Many middle-level cadres did not study management, but were promoted to management positions by business backbones because of their excellent work, so they often followed the past work and behavior patterns. For management, they often rely on scattered experience and feelings, and have not really formed systematic, scientific and practical management skills. Today's middle-level cadres are under unprecedented pressure. The superiors hope that they can execute well, the subordinates hope that they can command properly, and the peers hope that they can cooperate more. When it comes to the status quo, many people will describe it as "busy, confused, tired and bored".

This career training course gives a panoramic view of the management work of middle-level cadres to help middle-level cadres fully understand the management connotation, improve their knowledge and skills from the inside out, so as to comprehensively improve their management performance.


Middle and senior managers of enterprises are business backbones and elites committed to improving their own management skills.

Course Objectives

1. Clearly understand the role and self positioning of middle managers, understand the way of self growth, cultivate a correct attitude, and be a responsible and trustworthy manager

2. Master the methods of self-management, learn the methods and tools of time management, and arrange daily work well

3. Understand the basic personnel knowledge and financial knowledge that managers should master, and do a good job in basic management

4. Learn to use goals to manage the team, and translate the vision into specific work goals to implement

5. Master the theories and methods of motivating subordinates, ignite the enthusiasm of employees, and help employees adjust their emotions and reduce pressure

6. Master the method of effectively guiding employees, and be able to follow up and guide their work

7. Learn to implement effective leadership according to the different working conditions of employees in different jobs, so as to achieve organizational performance

8. Establish team rules and control behaviors deviating from team objectives

9. Master the core of management skills and communication skills, learn to communicate with superiors and peers

Training Course

Part I - Role Cognition of Middle level Cadres

Chapter 1: Role Cognition of Middle level Cadres

1) Current situation of middle-level cadres in enterprises

2) The Role Cognition of Middle level Cadres

3) Growth of middle-level cadres

Part II - Self management of middle-level cadres

Chapter 2: Time Management of Middle level Cadres

1) Current situation of time management of middle-level cadres

2) Case study: managers who are confused

3) The Principle of Time Management -- Pareto Principle

4) Methods of Self time Management for Middle level Cadres

5) Self time management skills of middle-level cadres

Part III - Basic Management of Middle level Cadres

Chapter 3: Human Resource Management of Middle level Cadres

1) Why should middle-level cadres learn HR management

2) The Role and Responsibility of Middle level Cadres in Human Resources Management

3) Division of labor of human resources management between human resources departments and non human resources departments

4) Talent selection in human resource management - talent recruitment and internal selection

5) Human Resource Management Talent Cultivation -- Employee Training and Career Development

6) Talent Use in Human Resource Management -- Post Setting and Performance Management

7) Staying Talents in Human Resource Management -- Incentive Security and Employee Relations

Chapter 4: Financial Management of Middle level Cadres

1) Why should middle-level cadres learn financial management

2) Division of labor of financial management between financial department and non-financial department

3) Communicate with the boss in financial language

4) Middle level cadres' reading and analysis of financial statements

5) Cost and Budget Management of Middle level Cadres

Part IV Team Management of Middle level Cadres

Chapter 5: Management by Objectives of Middle level Cadres

1) Significance and function of management by objectives

2) Three levels of team goals and how to set goals

3) Vision goal: the direction of the company's development

4) Performance objectives: how to formulate the performance objectives of the department according to the company's objectives

5) Action goals: how to formulate individual action goals according to performance goals

6) How to implement objectives in management

Chapter 6: Guidance and Management of Middle level Cadres

1) Obstacles to the guidance of middle-level cadres and their removal

2) How to give guidance when arranging work tasks

3) How to give guidance when employees make mistakes

4) How to do well in employee authorization

5) Practical exercise: how to arrange work for subordinates

Chapter 7: Incentive Management of Middle level Cadres

1) Factors that motivate employees

2) Methods and techniques for motivating employees

3) Practical application points of various incentive theories

4) Sharing of excellent enterprises

Chapter 8: Contingent Leadership of Middle level Cadres

1) Role of leadership

2) Four Kinds of Readiness of Employees

3) Two leadership behaviors that middle-level cadres can implement

4) Different leadership styles corresponding to different readiness of employees

Chapter 9: Control and Management of Middle level Cadres

1) Purpose of control

2) Three different control systems

3) Four steps of control process

4) Achieve orderly management through control

Part V - Communication Skills of Middle level Cadres

Chapter 10: Communication Management of Middle level Cadres

1) The Core of Middle Level Competence -- Communication Competence

2) Understand others before expressing your communication principles

3) Role play: when subordinates take the initiative to talk to you

4) Listening, questioning and response skills training

5) How to communicate effectively with the boss

[Teaching form]

Lecture, theme discussion, group exercise, case discussion, video analysis, role play, team competition