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How to upload products?

UpdateTime: 2024-03-12

The product is composed of words and pictures. Detailed text descriptions and clear pictures can attract more buyers' attention. When uploading a product, you need to fill in the following information: product name, short product description, product attribute value, product information description, product sales information, my service commitment, and other information. First, please log in to the "My DHgate" - "My Product" - "Add New Product" page, as shown in the figure:

Click the home page of "Add New Product" to select the product category, as shown in the figure below: we will explain the operation process of product upload in detail with wedding dress:

1、 Basic product information:

Product Title
The product title should be clear, complete and vivid, with 140 characters at most;

Basic Product Attributes
After you fill in the "Product Title", you need to add "Basic Product Attributes", as shown in the figure:

reminder: The attribute values you fill in will be displayed directly on the buyer page. The attributes marked with * should be filled in carefully Otherwise, it will directly affect the upload and release of your product.

Product specification:
Different specifications of products can be set with different retail prices and displayed to buyers at the front desk, as shown in the figure:

2、 Product sales information:

Sales method
Here you can choose to sell by piece or by package. If you choose to sell by package, please enter the quantity of each package of products, in which the unit is "piece". You can also select other sales units on the right, as shown in the figure:

After selecting other sales companies, double, set, and print companies will appear.

Goods preparation status

Products can be prepared or to be prepared. Where there is stock preparation, you can select stock preparation place, stock preparation quantity and stock preparation period (stock preparation period of products with stock preparation is less than or equal to 4 days). The maximum purchase quantity of the product to be stocked can be set for the customer at one time, and the stock up period can be set to a maximum of 10 working days. For details, see:


Goods Preparation Period: the number of days between the seller's confirmation of order execution and successful shipment. This item is customized by the seller. International transportation time is not included here.

Product price range

On Dunhuang. com, you can set different quotations for different quantity intervals of the same product; If the same product has different specifications, you can also set the prices for different specifications in different quantity ranges.

Add specifications:

Sales status: that is, whether this specification is displayed on the buyer's page for sale. If this specification is not available for the time being, you can select "Not available for sale"
Actual Revenue: refers to the actual sales price of the product, which is filled in by the seller. This is the last payment received by the seller.
Buyer's Price: refers to the price seen by the buyer, which is automatically calculated by the system according to the actual income and category commission. At the same time, you can place your mouse on the word "commission" to view the commission rate of this category, as shown in the figure:

Product code: you can set product code for products to distinguish products from different manufacturers, different categories, and different specifications.

3、 Product Description

Product pictures
Show your products with vivid and real pictures. Prepare pictures before uploading products. You can choose to upload pictures from "Local Upload" or "Album Upload", as shown in the figure:


reminder: When uploading a product, 8 pictures can be used to display the content description of the same product. It is recommended that you try to select from the album when uploading pictures, so that your product can pass the review more efficiently.

Product group:

To facilitate sellers to manage their products, they can create product groups and add products of the same category to the same product group, as shown in the figure:

If you don't know how to create a product group, please click this link to view in detail: https://seller.dhgate.com/help/c7001/44402.html

Short Product Description

It is suggested to fill in more words in the short description column of the product, which can let buyers search for items. You can input Chinese punctuation marks, which will be automatically converted into English punctuation marks. You can input up to 500 characters. As shown in the figure:

Detailed Product Description

The product information that cannot be covered in the product name and specification shall be further displayed to the buyer in detail; Show the features, functions, services, packaging and transportation information of the products that the buyer pays more attention to, so that the buyer can understand the product related information at a glance as much as possible; You can also show the seller's professionalism through some personalized descriptions, such as making templates, linking to relevant products on Dunhuang website, showing more relevant products to buyers, self promotion, and arousing buyers' interest. There is 80000 character space in the detailed description, which supports HTML language.

reminder: No links other than Dunhuang website are allowed in the detailed description, and no contact information in any form is allowed, such as email, company website, Skype, etc.
Considering that Dunhuang is facing foreign buyers, you are required to fill in all product information in English. So that buyers can accurately understand various situations of your products when searching for your products. You can also log in to Dunhuang, or click "Online Translation" to translate your product information into English.

4、 Product packaging information

Weight after packaging
Enter the weight here, as shown in the figure:

Dimensions after packaging
Enter the length, width and height here, as shown in the figure:

Considering that the package weight of some products does not increase in proportion to the number of products, the platform provides a user-defined weight calculation function for products with large package weight and small volume, as shown in the figure:

5、 Set Freight

1. If you are uploading a product for the first time, you need to create a freight template.

How to set freight template: How to set freight template

6、 Other information

Product validity
The product validity period refers to the period from the day when the product is successfully submitted to the day when your product stops being displayed online. The default validity period is 90 days.

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