What is the meaning of this high-level meeting held in Jinan to promote the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin?

14:17, July 9, 2021 Source: Jinan News Network
Original title: Baoyan | Promote ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. What is the meaning of this high-level conference held in Jinan?

It's midsummer, and the river is flowing, and the green trees on the bank are luxuriant and full of vitality.

On July 6, Han, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier of the State Council, and leader of the Leading Group for Promoting Ecological Protection and High quality Development of the Yellow River Basin, was chairing a plenary meeting of the Leading Group for Promoting Ecological Protection and High quality Development of the Yellow River Basin in Jinan. This is the first time that this high-level conference was held in this city.

In the process of in-depth implementation of the major national strategy of the Yellow River, Jinan is expected to usher in a golden opportunity for development. Take multiple measures to do a good job in ecological protection, launch and implement a number of major ecological protection projects, and strive to build a model city of ecological protection in the Yellow River basin; With the city's efforts, we will promote the construction of the starting area for the transformation of new and old kinetic energy in Jinan, and create a bright pearl with the most modern characteristics in the Yellow River basin... A series of fast and powerful "Jinan policies" will drive this city to "take the lead" in the journey of actively integrating into and obeying the major national strategy of serving the Yellow River.

Looking forward to the future, how to further improve the "Yellow River article"? The plenary meeting of the Leading Group for Promoting Ecological Protection and High quality Development of the Yellow River Basin held on the 6th stressed the importance of protecting and harnessing the Yellow River, and required that "the protection of the ecological environment of the Yellow River Basin should be placed in an overwhelming position, and efforts should be made to promote high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin", pointing out the direction for cities in the Yellow River Basin, including Jinan, to further do a good job in "the Yellow River article" The path is clear.

The major national strategy tide of the Yellow River rises in China, and Jinan has high hopes and current opportunities

The Yellow River runs through the city and has long nourished the fertile land of Jinan. Entering a new era, the in-depth implementation of the major national strategy of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin has further opened a new world for the city to speed up high-quality development.

On September 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, made strategic planning and major deployment for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, and clearly put forward the directive requirements of "accelerating the construction of central cities such as Zhengzhou, Xi'an, Jinan and urban agglomeration such as Zhongyuan". On January 3 last year, at the sixth meeting of the Central Finance and Economic Commission, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again stressed that the leading role of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration should be played to promote the high-quality development of central cities and urban agglomeration along the Yellow River.

The new positioning of Jinan as a central city in the Yellow River basin means that Jinan plays a more prominent role in the national major strategy and development layout. As the core city of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration, Jinan can be described as the "leader among the leaders" in the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. Whether Jinan can raise the leading role is related to the play of the leading role of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration, the high-quality development of the entire Yellow River basin, and the smooth realization of the national regional coordinated development strategy. In the process of in-depth implementation of the major national strategy of ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin, Jinan's position and high expectations can be seen from this.

While shouldering high hopes, Jinan is facing more opportunities. Support Jinan to build a starting area for new and old kinetic energy conversion; Support Jinan and other major cities along the Yellow River to establish systems and mechanisms that connect with international rules and standards, accelerate investment and trade facilitation, and attract high-quality global factors, strengthen the function of international exchanges, and build a gateway for the Yellow River basin to open up to the outside world; Accelerate the formation of a modern transportation network in the Yellow River basin with a "one line", "several lines" and "cross" as the main skeleton. The "one line" is the east-west channel from Jinan to Xi'an, Lanzhou and Xining via Zhengzhou; Improve the function of regional hub airports such as Jinan... Behind this series of support measures proposed in the Outline of Ecological Protection and High Quality Development Planning of the Yellow River Basin, Jinan has ushered in a golden opportunity for development.

Ecological protection and high-quality development work together to do a good job of "the Yellow River article"

Jinan, which is expected to usher in important opportunities, is shouldering a heavy responsibility.

As a central city in the Yellow River basin, Jinan needs to adapt to the new model of central city leading the development of urban agglomeration and urban agglomeration driving regional development, and earnestly shoulder the "dual responsibility" of accelerating its own development and serving regional development. For this reason, in recent years, the development pace of Jinan has been accelerating: look at industry, big data and new generation information technology, intelligent manufacturing and high-end equipment, high-quality steel and advanced materials, biomedicine and big health and other industries are booming; Looking at innovation, historic breakthroughs have been made in urban innovation level, construction of large scientific devices, original innovation capability and reform of scientific and technological system and mechanism; Looking at development, we have achieved a historic breakthrough in the regional GDP of more than one trillion yuan, and clearly put forward the idea of "promoting the construction of the starting area with the strength of the whole city". More than 100 high-quality projects are speeding up construction along the river, driving the construction of the starting area to rise rapidly... A series of "Jinan's actions" are fully empowering the "Yellow River article". Looking at the Yellow River basin, a "core of development" that is bursting with strong momentum and increasingly strong radiation, guidance and driving ability is accelerating its rise.

To do a good job in "the Yellow River article", accelerating high-quality development is only one link. Jinan section of the Yellow River connects Dongping Lake upwards and the Yellow River Delta downwards. How well the ecological protection of Jinan section is done is directly related to the ecological protection of the whole lower Yellow River. In the process of in-depth implementation of the major national strategy of the Yellow River, it has always been the "key issue" of Jinan to do a good job in ecological protection of the Yellow River basin.

In recent years, Jinan has taken many measures to do a good job in ecological protection of the Yellow River basin. On the one hand, we have vigorously implemented comprehensive river regulation projects such as pipe network transformation, rainwater and sewage diversion, and black and odorous water treatment, with remarkable results in pollution control. On the other hand, we will accelerate the construction of wetland systems along the river, and repair more than 20 wetlands in Jixi, Rose Lake, Baiyun Lake, etc. with high standards. In addition, afforestation is vigorously carried out on both sides of the Yellow River. In March of this year, Shandong Province held a centralized commencement activity of building a green ecological corridor along the Yellow River and nine cities in one and key ecological protection projects in Jinan, covering wetland protection and restoration, biodiversity protection, ecological restoration and protection of beach areas and lakes. Among them, there are 24 projects commenced in Jinan with a total investment of 9.22 billion yuan. The vast "green barrier" has played an important role in water and soil conservation, wind prevention and sand fixation of the Yellow River. Last July, the 11th Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Jinan Municipal Committee deliberated and passed the Opinions on the Implementation of National Strategic Action for Ecological Protection and High quality Development of the Yellow River Basin. In the Opinions, "ecological protection" was given the top priority. Jinan strives to launch and implement a number of major ecological protection projects, and strives to build a model city of ecological protection in the Yellow River basin. With a long-term perspective, a series of powerful measures such as "strengthening cooperation with cities in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River basin, carrying out joint prevention and treatment of ecological environment", "building ecological greenway corridors along the Yellow River at a high level", and "building a 'smart ecological Yellow River'" will provide solid support for further ecological protection in the Yellow River basin. Jinan's determination to do a good job in the ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin can be seen from this.

High standard meeting was held, pointing out the direction for further "Yellow River article"

In the process of in-depth implementation of major national strategies for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin, "ecological protection" and "high-quality development" are like the "upper and lower volumes" of a great book. Only by writing the "upper volume" of "ecological protection" can the "lower volume" of "high-quality development" be better opened. From this perspective, it is easy to understand why "ecological protection" became a key word at the plenary meeting of the Leading Group for Promoting Ecological Protection and High quality Development of the Yellow River Basin held on July 6.

This plenary meeting stressed the importance of protecting and harnessing the Yellow River, called for "putting the protection of the ecological environment of the Yellow River basin in an overwhelming position, and striving to promote high-quality development of the Yellow River basin", and put forward important instructions and requirements for doing a good job in ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. In the view of observers, the convening of this meeting has pointed out the direction and path for cities in the Yellow River basin, including Jinan, to further do a good job in "the Yellow River article", and has boosted the confidence of Jinan and other cities in further doing a good job in ecological protection in the Yellow River basin and accelerating high-quality development. What is particularly exciting is that Jinan is doing a lot of work in sorting out the instructions and requirements put forward at the meeting.

For example, the meeting proposed that the situation of ecological protection in the Yellow River basin is still serious, and water resources are in serious shortage. It is necessary to fully implement the requirements of determining the city, the place, the people and the production with water, and take water resources as the most rigid constraint to resolutely curb illegal water intake and use. As a water deficient city with per capita water resources only one seventh of the national average, Jinan, for its part, promotes the economical and intensive utilization of water resources of the Yellow River, which is not only an inevitable requirement for deep integration into the major national strategy of the Yellow River, but also an urgent need to protect the natural landscape pattern. Because of this, Jinan has previously made it clear that it will adhere to the principle of "water determines the city, water determines the place, water determines the people, and water determines the production", strengthen governance, intensive development, improve the water-saving awareness of the whole society, "lead the country in the aspect of water resource conservation and intensive use", and strive to build a water-saving model city with a global water-saving society as the top-level design and institutional arrangement, It is committed to building the starting area into the first water-saving oriented national new area in China.

High hopes have been made, and the "Yellow River article" has been written frequently. In the process of in-depth implementation of the major national strategy of the Yellow River, Jinan's new future makes more expectations. (Zhao Yunlong)

(Editor in charge: Gong Xue, Xing Manhua)

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