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Twitter finally died

Wilson (42865) Published on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 09:52

Gifts from other planets
Once the microblog social network Twitter has become completely. Last July, Elon Musk announced that Twitter would be renamed X, trying to create a universal application similar to WeChat, not only publishing news, but also publishing videos and voice chat, as well as supporting financial payment. Not everyone likes Musk's approach of reshaping Twitter into According to SensorTower, the utilization rate of the platform in the United States has dropped by one fifth. Musk owned the domain name in 1999 and founded the online bank of the same name. Later, he merged with his competitors to form PayPal. He bought back the domain name from PayPal in 2017. Walter Isaacson, its biographer, said that Musk had regarded Twitter as a container for building X. Now all core systems of the platform have been transferred to Whether you like it or not, Twitter is dead.