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Repairing the immune system can delay aging

Wilson (42865) Published at 22:47 Monday, May 13, 2024

From reason and emotion and sea demon
Carolina Florian, a stem cell researcher, couldn't believe that older mice looked younger. What she did was to use a drug to correct the protein tissue in a stem cell. Other researchers reached the same conclusion after repeating the study. Her medicine targets the immune system, and the stem cells processed are called hematopoietic stem cells (HS cells). HS cells will change with age, disturbing the balance of the immune cells they produce. Fixing the problem and restoring balance seems to solve many aging problems. Other scientists have used different methods to reach the same conclusion: at least studies on mice have shown that restoring the immune system can revitalize many organs in their bodies. The aging of the immune system may lead to the aging of these organs. Although the research prospect is attractive, the researchers warn that it is dangerous to interfere with the complex immune system.