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Weber Telescope Detects the Atmosphere of Exoplanets

Wilson (42865) Published on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 17:41

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Astronomers used the Weber Space Telescope (JWST) to detect for the first time the atmosphere of a rocky planet outside the solar system, which is rich in carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. Although the planet may be covered by magma ocean and cannot sustain life, its research can improve the understanding of the early history of the Earth. This planet, named 55 Cancri e, orbits a sun like star with a 12.6 second gap. It is considered to be a super earth, with a radius about twice that of the earth, a weight more than 8 times that of the earth, and a thickness of the atmosphere about a few percent of the earth's radius. 55 Another reason why the Cancri e is not suitable for living is that it is very close to the stars - about 1/65 of the distance from the earth to the sun.